[OBO Digest] The 10 Business Models That Actually Scale

PLUS: The Most Important Thing In Your Business….

Online Business Owner • April 07, 2023

What’s the most important thing in your business?

No, it isn’t marketing, sales, operations or finances…

It's not even your product or anything to do with what you offer…

It’s YOU.

Well...it is you and your ability to make the right decisions at the right time.

As a business owner, that’s your job.

It is on you to make a vast many number of decisions each day.

While each one is a new opportunity....it also presents risks.

Over time, your ability to weigh options and make good choices will determine to what degree your business succeeds or fails

Quite the responsibility…

But don’t worry — we’ve got you.

This is precisely why we write the OBO Digest 💯

So let's dive into some frameworks, tools, and ideas that will help you make better decisions in some core areas of your business:

Choosing The Right Business Model For Your Business

Did you know the typical person makes around 35,000 decisions a day?! 

Now think about what that number is for business owners…

A powerful truth to realize in business is that there are a handful of core decisions that fundamentally impact everything else that happens from that point on.

One of these decisions is the business model you choose.

There are a lot of options out there. This article by Dr. Angela Lauria shares 10 that can provide scale, profit, and a great lifestyle.


Feeling Stuck & Unclear On Your Next Best Step?

Do you suffer from second-guessing yourself and overanalyzing?

If you waste a bunch of time and energy stuck in self doubt....

...or find yourself paralyzed with uncertainty...

We get it.

Especially when you know that a decision is going to have "downstream" impacts on how successful your business is or how much you enjoy running it.

Thankfully, Mindset Expert & Neuro-Researcher Abi Levine has a simple process to help you get clarity on your next best step.

Every time. Guaranteed. Check it out here👇


While making the right decisions can make (or break) your business...

Remember that it is a learned skill you can hone and master.

You won’t always make the right call, and that's ok.

But also know that every single decision you make matters. And that each one gives you the opportunity to learn, grow, test, and transform.

Commit to practicing and mastering this craft because doing so WILL set you apart & help you create success on your terms.

By simply showing up and being here, we know you're are a strong, smart, capable business owner — ready to make waves in the world 🌊 🌊

We hope today’s edition helped ignite something in you.

If so, we invite you to forward this email to someone who needs to read it too

Until next time,

The Online Business Owner Team

About The Author

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