3 Ways To Find Your Perfect Niche

Written by: Kate McKibbin • April 11, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@windows

‘The riches are in the niches.’ Heard that saying before?

It’s a fun way of saying clients love specialists. 

They’re willing to pay for top-level expertise, especially when it comes to service providers. I should know because I am a Funnel Builder and I’ve built my business on the back of niching down to level up!

Yet this is something many business owners resist because they worry about choosing the wrong niche. Yet refusing to do so almost always causes more problems.

This is why I want to share this with you today because there is a way to find riches in those niches without all the worry and pain.

Let’s dive in…

Why Service Pros Need To Specialize

Before we get into some practical strategies you can use… let’s first take a step back.

Why niche? Why exactly is it important for you to become a specialist?

After all, if you offer a killer service, you might feel you need to roll out a HUGE menu (à la everyone’s fave cheesecake restaurant). More is better, right?

Surely this will result in more clients… right?

No. This isn’t one of those ‘more is better’ kind of situations. 

Even though it might feel counterintuitive, you need to narrow your focus – aka niche down – so you can reach the next level as a sought-after specialist.

Think about it like this: 

Would you go to a general physician who mostly treats colds and ear infections if you have a rare medical condition with life-altering symptoms? 

Of course not. You want the best specialist you can find because there’s so much at stake.

Well, so do your clients!

At least, the dream ones that pay the best… are the best to work with… and so on…

So when you embrace the idea of finding and committing to a niche, it starts a career-changing ripple effect that looks something like this . . . 

You declare: ‘Hey, I’m a specialist’.

Your knowledge and skills go up, up, UP!

You deliver better, faster results.

Clients start singing your praises.

It becomes easy-peasy to attract (and amaze) dream clients.

You can charge much higher rates. (Yay for you!)

How to Find & Commit To The Right Niche

Niching down (to level up) begins with a few crucial choices. 

But don’t worry, I’m here to break them down step-by-step for you.

And of course, seeing as I live and breathe funnels, I’ll use the world of funnel-building as an example… although this process is basically the same no matter what industry you’re in.

Method 1: Choose The Right Tools

Time to talk tech! 

It’s impossible to achieve a mastery level of all the technical tools and platforms. But mastering the right tools can be the key to differentiating your biz. 

When it comes to funnel tools, there are three categories: 1) Beginner 2) Workhorse 3) Dynasty 

And chances are, your industry offers a similar set of tools.

Let’s dive a little deeper…

Beginner Tools:

As a general rule, these are NOT ones I’d recommend you specialize in.


Because businesses that use tools like these are often beginners themselves.

They’re most likely going the DIY route and Googling for answers.

They are not likely ready (or able) to pay top dollar (or even hire a pro like you).

And even if you do find a few clients that do, the tools themselves are limited—we’re talking about platforms like Mailchimp, Wix, Teachable, and Flodesk… built for beginners so the features involved are always lacking.

Not only does this mean it’s prone to break and bug out, but it ties one hand behind your back because you’re unable to give your clients the service you desire (or the one they deserve).

So beginner tools are out of the question…

Workhorse Tools: 

In most cases, these are the tools you want to specialize in.

We’re talking about the likes of Active Campaign, Convertkit, Karta, Kajabi, and ClickFunnels… the sort of tools that go much deeper below the surface but not so deep that it gets overwhelming (more on those types of tools next).

There are many reasons why these Workhose Tools are the ones to focus on…

  1. Most online entrepreneurs use these tools, which means you have MORE opportunities to scoop up new clients. 

  2. These tools have the features you need to create 6, 7, 8, or even 9-figure momentum—plus, they’re intuitive and the skills you gain will translate to future systems.

  3. These platforms offer great customer service. Always an important factor. 

These are just a few of the benefits… 

The point is that these types of tools offer a sweet spot!

… which brings us to the final set of tools and why they’re not as great as you may think.

Dynasty Tools: 

These tools are, on the surface, the best tools—the likes of Ontroport and Keap (formerly Infusionsoft). They cost the most. They offer the most features. 

They are, by all accounts, the best of the best.

Yet you likely don’t want to specialize in these because…

  1. Many of these tools are infamous for being buggy, complicated, and overpriced.

  2. The learning curve is SO steep (Don’t break your brain!) 

  3. Companies that use complex tools are more likely to already have an in-house team

It isn’t that these tools aren’t good—far from it—it’s just they don’t bring enough benefits; not when you compare them to those Workhorse Tools from earlier.

And this is true no matter what industry you’re in.

There are always tools and they almost always fit into Beginner, Workhorse, or Dynasty.

Most of the time, the one(s) to focus on when you niche down are the Workhorse ones.

Method 2: Choose The Right Clients

Focussing on tools is one of the ways to niche down.

Another method is to focus on the type of client you wish to work with.

There are various segments you can put potential clients into…

  • Those who have just started (likely behind you on your journey)

  • Those with lots of success and experience (maybe ahead of you on your journey)

  • Those in a similar position to you

  • to name just a few…

There isn’t a right type of client to work with, although in my experience it’s often best to focus on those with a similar business model to you as they’re likely looking for similar outcomes.

(they also tend to have realistic expectations when it comes to cost and delivery… a big bonus!)

Yet the benefits extend from this because niching down and focusing on this type of client often allows you to make more effective processes, systems, templates, and so on…

Why? Because you’re in a similar position to them so know what works (and what they need).

Your goals and milestones are similar, which makes everything you do more relevant.

This like-minded familiarity extends to the type of offer/package you create, as well as…

  • Marketing materials

  • Messaging

  • Pricing

  • Payment plans

  • and much much more!

This doesn’t happen—at least not as easily—when you focus on a client way out in front or with a completely different business model to yours. Sure, they *may* have a larger budget, but the way you can impact them isn’t likely as strong.

And that’s a big deal because it’s the impact you have that matters.

It builds word of mouth, social proof, credibility, and more…

That’s huge and one of the main reasons to niche down in the first place: momentum!

So although there’s no right type of client to work with, some make more sense than others when it comes to finding the right niche.

3. Choose The Right Service/Offer

No matter what industry you’re in, you can likely help your clients in various ways.

Take me and my world of funnel-building…

There isn’t just one type of funnel—despite what some people may think.

There are many, including…

  • lead-generation funnels 

  • webinar funnels

  • email funnels

  • list-building funnels

  • to name a few…

The same applies to you, I’m sure.

You can refine and hyper-focus the type of service you offer.

So instead of it helping lots of different people in lots of different ways, you hone in on ONE way that impacts those you serve in a SPECIFIC way… allowing you to become the “go-to”!

That’s the aim here; for you to become the go-to professional in your chosen niche.

You can do this through the tools you use or the customer you work with… but you can also use your offer/service to niche down and provide a specific outcome that goes above and beyond.

The result is the same as earlier: credibility, social proof, amazing results…

Once you have this, you have the foundations to grow.

This is when you stack new offers to your list and begin to branch outward.

Ready To Level Up? 

Right now, there’s a niche waiting for you to OWN.

There are niches within the niches, and the riches to be had are huge.

And don’t worry, in time you can branch out and expand what you offer (and who to).

Yet if you’re struggling to build momentum, a niche is what you need.

So take a step back so you can take several giant strides forward.

It’s how I’ve built my business over the years, and it is how I continue to leverage new offers, ventures, and innovative ideas—each time the payback is massive.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful, and if you’d like to learn more about me (and find your own riches in the niches), you may like to grab my free guide: “Fully Booked Funnel Pro”.


About the Author


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