How To Find The CORRECT Steps To Take Next. Any Time. Guaranteed!

Written by: Abi Levine • April 03, 2023

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Are you tired of not knowing what the exact right steps are to grow your business to the glorious heights you can see in your mind? 

Are you tired of constantly second-guessing yourself or overanalyzing?  

Whether you’re riddled with self-doubt and lack of confidence to make the next move …

OR you see your business needs to shift but are not exactly sure how

OR you just don’t know what the next steps are… 

One thing is for sure: YOU NEED CLARITY. You need certainty

You need to know that the steps you’re about to take are the right ones! 

But you don’t know how to get that clarity. 

So you take a half-step forward, and then a half-step back… because you’re just not sure. 

And there’s a small voice in the back of your head that reminds you that things are good enough right now, so why mess with what’s already working?!

Yet you can’t stop that niggling thought that you’re meant for bigger things… 

And so you bounce between staying in the status quo and half-stepping forwards and backward, endlessly caught in this loop of indecision. 

Sound familiar? 

Never fear! Abi’s here! 

Who will this article help?

This article will be especially valuable to you if: 

  • You constantly doubt your next action steps 

  • You worry about making the wrong choices 

  • You feel nervous to branch out from what you’re already doing, even though you know you’re going to have to in order to grow 

  • You spend way too much time overthinking before taking action 

I’m going to let you in on a little secret tool that everyone has access to… 

But few people use that will take you in the right direction EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 

I will also teach you what it is, why you need it, and most importantly, HOW to use it with every single decision to make sure you ALWAYS make the right choice. 


Where Does Intuition Come From?

Before we dive right into the action steps, I want to give you some context because up until recently, talking about intuition has been considered “woo” and not very logical. 

Yet in the last few years, The HeartMath Institute has done multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies that prove definitively that not only does intuition EXIST, but it originates outside of the body.  

There are multiple theories about where intuition ACTUALLY comes from, and all of them are correct. 

Intuition is the combined collection of many wise sources of knowledge that filter in through your Higher Self mind and are passed down to you (specifically, science proves, through your heart).

Why Is Intuition Important?

Intuition is the MOST important tool that you could possibly have access to for one MAIN reason: It has access to your Alpha Map

We each have a map that takes us on our greatest journey of growth, impact, resources (aka money), and experience

Every time we make a decision, it either keeps us ON our path or takes us off of it 

(‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ calls it the Alpha path) 

None of the deviated paths are wrong, and we always maintain 100% of free will with our decisions and choices. But the Alpha path exists nonetheless, and we stay on it or move off it with each decision. 

You needn’t worry though about straying from your Alpha path because you can rejoin it whenever you decide to. 

And the navigation tool that keeps you on your Alpha path is…? 

You guessed it! Your intuition. 

Your intuition knows every step, every breath, every word, every conversation, and every connection that needs to happen in order to keep you on your ever-evolving Alpha path. 

It is definitive, clear, precise, and efficient—like a Magic 8 ball that’s always right.

How To Tap Into Your Intuition At A Moment’s Notice For Every Decision

So now you know WHY your intuition is important, let’s move into HOW to tap into it on demand. 

A word of advice: This is a practice and you are responsible for practicing it. 

No one can do it for you!!

If you really desire to live your life with the most wealth, the biggest impact, the most delicious experiences, and the most amount of growth… you have to commit to practicing consistently

It can take as little as 1-2 minutes at a time, so you definitely have time for it. 

It just requires you to practice on purpose. 

A little input for the most output you can possibly imagine. 

To do so… Follow these steps to tap into your intuition today: 

Step 1: Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. 

Step 2: Count backward from 5 to 0 slowly, imagining with each count that you’re sinking into the softest bed or a stable, fluffy cloud.

Step 3: Sink below the chaos of your mind. Imagine all your thoughts staying above you as you sink below. If a thought grabs you and tries to pull you back up, thank it and let it drift past like a cloud; just keep sinking back down. 

Step 4: When you get to 0, imagine taking yourself to a place that feels secure. It could be on Earth or off-planet. It can be a place that exists or is imaginary. The one thing that’s consistent is that it is secure and no one can get in without your specific invitation. 

Also, you are alone there! 

If you find someone else there with you, firmly tell them to leave. 

Step 5: Once you find yourself in this place, spend some time looking around and becoming familiar with it.

Step 6: When you’re ready, invite your intuition to come in. Imagine it separate from you as if it is in front of you. You might imagine it as a being, shape, color, or energy. 

It may talk to you with words. You may feel its responses in your physical body. 

Step 6a: If nothing comes forward, it means you’re blocking it somehow. No worries, just look around the space. Somewhere there will be a door that’s closed, or a passageway, or a tunnel that is blocked… 

Find it; open it, by whatever means necessary. 

This is your imagination, so feel free to get creative. 

Step 7: If you’re confident with connecting to your intuition, skip this step. 

If not, ASK your intuition to show you “Yes”, which is what “Yes” looks like, feels like, and/or sounds like. Notice and remember what it shows you. There is no right or wrong way. 

If it is faint, don’t worry, it will grow stronger with practice. 

Then… ASK your intuition to show you “No”. Notice and remember what it shows you. 

Ask your intuition to show you “there’s not enough information”, which means exactly as it sounds. There are still too many decisions taking place for your intuition to give you concrete information at that time. 

Stick primarily with yes/no questions at the start while you get used to strengthening your connection to intuition.

Step 8: Ask your intuition if you can ask it some questions. This shows reverence and respect for your intuition and that you don’t feel entitled (it doesn’t respond well to entitlement).

Step 9: Begin asking your questions one at a time.  

If you’re new to all this, like I said earlier, stick with yes/no questions until you strengthen the connection. You can ask as many questions as you like. 

It will answer an infinite number of questions! 

But if you ask the same question over and over, eventually it will ignore the question. 

When you’re finished asking the questions you have for the day, ask if there’s anything else you need to know that you didn’t think to ask. 

Step 10: Thank your intuition for being present. Ask if it will always be there whenever you need it. 

Step 11: Eyes open, wide awake. 

Step 12: Write down anything important your intuition shared with you. Do not skip this step. 

Although it’s crystal clear immediately after the session, it will fade (maybe within minutes). 

If there are actions to take, put them on your to-do list. If there are things to remember, write them on post-it notes and place them where you’ll frequently see them. 

Intuition does not share anything arbitrary or unimportant. If you don’t understand why it was important, take action anyway. All will be revealed in time. 

**NOTE** I’ve added some common questions I’m often asked at the end of this article, so be sure to read and study those before you dive any deeper into this process.

What’s Next?

Now you know how to connect with your intuition, I recommend these continuing steps: 

  1. Practice using your intuition with non-urgent choices such as “What should I eat?” or “Which route should I take to get to X?” or “What shall I wear today?” Practice as often as you remember. The goal is to lean on intuition for everything. 

  2. Start each morning by asking your intuition what the three most important things are to do today. Do what it tells you to do. If, by the end of the day, you haven’t gotten around to all three, ask if there are any you can move to tomorrow. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t. 

  3. Ask your intuition about big decisions. Remember… It can see ALL possible outcomes and knows exactly which choices will keep you on your Alpha path—even if the choice doesn’t make logical sense. 

  4. If intuition tells you NOT to do something, do not do that thing. 

  5. Lean into trusting it. The more you do, the more effortless you’ll notice your life becomes. 

  6. If you need clarity on a specific direction, ASK. If you know you’re meant for more, ASK what you should do next! ASK for specific steps. ASK, ASK, ASK! It’s there for you as your constant guide. Use it! 

The beautiful thing is that even though life can feel confusing and scary, we always have this amazing tool to show us what our next step is! 

I hope you have taken a lot from this article and I hope you feel ready to take the next step.

If you are, and you’d like access to another tool that will help guide you… I invite you to download my free Become A Money Magnet Journal.

Not only does it help with business in general, but gives you reminders to use your intuition daily, weekly & monthly… 

AND has some links to further videos and courses on how to improve your connection with intuition.  Welcome to your most powerful tool yet! Have fun, and good luck!

Here are those common questions I mentioned earlier…

I hope these too help you take your next step.

1: How do I know I’m not just making it up? You really don’t until you ask your intuition “am I just making this up” and hear its response. It may respond with anything from eye-rolls to withering stares.  

2: What if nothing happens? Not to worry. I have plenty of clients who were extremely logical that over time built strong relationships with their intuition. It took some patience and practice, but even the most logical of people are able to tap in after a few tries. If you start getting frustrated, you may choose to reach out to someone to hold space for you while you practice. They can guide you on how to set logic aside. 

3: How can I tell it’s intuition and not logic or fear? Intuition sees all. It sees your whole Alpha map and every future possible outcome. Logic is based ONLY on past experiences, and oftentimes on other people’s past experiences. Intuition does not doubt itself. It isn’t afraid. It doesn’t question itself. It is certain. Firm. Unshakable. 

If the answer feels nervous, doubting, or fearful it isn’t intuition. 

Your backup is you can always ask intuition “is this answer coming from you or from logic?” 

It will tell you directly. 

4: What if I don’t like what intuition says? 🤷 It doesn’t matter if you like what intuition says or not. You always maintain the free will to follow it or ignore it. When you follow what intuition says, you will stay on your Alpha path. If you don’t, you won’t. Intuition doesn’t much care about how you feel about what it says. It just tells you what you need to hear. 

I will bargain with intuition if I really don’t like what it’s asking me to do. I’ll ask if there are alternatives that will still keep me on my path. And when I ask for alternatives, I also ask what unexpected repercussions NOT doing what they’re asking me to do will have. 

I like to have all the information before I make a choice. 

5: What if I do what intuition tells me and it actually makes things worse? Many people mistakenly believe that intuition will lead you on the easiest path. False! 

Intuition will ONLY lead you on the Alpha path. Whatever happens, when you follow intuition, happens to keep you on your Alpha path for some reason—whether it’s tools you need to learn or old paradigms that were built in toxic behaviors that need to be deconstructed. 

It doesn’t judge better or worse, harder or not, its guide is your Alpha path = your greatest experience on Planet Earth.

6: Is intuition ALWAYS right? Should I always trust it? ALWAYS! It is ALWAYS right.  

7: If I want to go faster, can I skip the steps intuition is telling me to do? NOPE! You cannot skip steps. If you wish to go faster, you can specifically send a request to your team to speed things up but be careful what you wish for. The fastest path is also by FAR the most jarring. I personally pick the happy middle ground between the fastest and most painless. 

If you skip steps, you will be meandering off the Alpha path, FYI… 

I have Lots of personal and client experiences to prove this!

8: What if I don’t understand what intuition is telling me to do? Ask for clarification. This is a relationship. You can ask for more clarity. You can ask it to be more specific. You can ask for actual steps that you need to do today. This week. This month. 

I ask intuition every day what three steps are vital to keeping me on my Alpha path. 

9: What if intuition is vague? Again. Ask for clarification. This is a conversation. A communion. Every time you talk with your intuition, you will get bolder and more confident in your relationship with it. 


About the Author


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Rachel Davis Humphries

Since 2016, I’ve provided elevated brand and web design for small businesses and entrepreneurs from my studio here in Charlotte, North Carolina. My mission is to breathe new life into your brand using my years of experience and intimate knowledge of the online service space, and then to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to quickly, easily, and affordably maintain it as your business continues to grow.

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