[Obo Digest] A job won’t make you rich

Stop trading time for money, and try THIS instead…

Online Business Owner • October 25, 2023


A “traditional job” won’t make you rich

(It’ll hardly give you financial independence, either.)

Because jobs are designed to be linear — the more you know or generate for your employer, the more you’ll earn.

But still, employment income will always be a small fraction of the pie (and there’s NOTHING you can really do about it).

Leverage, however, is the way to get rich.

What if you could make money when you’re NOT working?

Leverage can come from activities like selling 1-to-many products (like software and digital courses), hiring employees (not BEING one), scaling your business + offers, the list goes on and on…

And the best part is that this type of income does not depend on your direct effort. So it can scale and increase exponentially if you…

  • Learn how to stop trading time for money (once & for all)

  • Supercharge your energy to lead, optimize and organize better

  • Implement the 6-pillar system to scale your biz past 7-figures

  • Assemble a self-sufficient team (to dedicate your time elsewhere)

Find the full details (& more) below ⬇️

Story Title Goes Here

You’ve tried EVERYTHING to stay on fire for your passion, to keep showing more and more enthusiasm out there…

And it is (at times) exhausting.

Good news — Today we’re sharing the secret to supercharging your energy.

Just imagine gliding through your day, feeling focused and inspired, with less distraction and conflict dampening your mood.

Robert G. Hunter condensed his 20+ years of experience in integrative health coaching into actionable steps and strategies, so YOU can achieve this.

And trust us, this isn’t just common advice disguised…

It’s a totally new approach to understanding and feeling your energy — mind, body and spirit — in a way that’s engaging, energizing and deeply fulfilling.


Billionaires wanted it, but 54,578 everyday investors got it first… and profited

When incredibly rare and valuable assets come up for sale, it's typically the wealthiest people that end up taking home an amazing investment. But not always…

One platform is taking on the billionaires at their own game, buying up and fractionalizing some of history’s most prized blue-chip artworks for its investors. In just the last few years, its investors have realized annualized net returns of 17.8%, 21.5%, 35% and more from these opportunities. 

It's called Masterworks. Their nearly $1 billion collection includes works by greats like Banksy, Picasso, and Basquiat, all of which are collectively owned by everyday investors. When Masterworks sells a painting – like the 16 it's already sold – investors reap their portion of the  profits. 

It's easy to get started but offerings can sell out in minutes. However, as a trusted partner, Online Business Owner readers can skip the waitlist to join with this exclusive link.


Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures masterworks.com/cd 

In The Know


Assemble A Self-Sufficient Team & Grow Your Business

Isn’t that the dream?

To build a self-managed team who works toward your vision (without depending on YOU).

Maybe you’re missing out — on personal time, creative space or business opportunities — because your team can’t manage themselves or grow the business in your absence…

If so, guess what? Your business isn’t SCALABLE (yet).

Because scalability is about more than just product-market-fit, a profitable offer and a marketing strategy that fills your pipeline.

If you want to optimize your energy and reclaim 20+ hours/week, The FREE Systems To Scale Playbook is for you.

Tips, tactics and systems from industry-leading Colin Pal will allow you to build your business without sacrificing your time.

Thanks For Reading

So don’t let the idea of “leveraging your monetization efforts” stump you.

— If a traditional job is your main income source, start a side-hustle or build a digital product, like a course or e-book.

— If your business is consuming you, improve your systems or change your approach.

— If your business is growing and expanding, find new ways to optimize, automate or outsource your operations.

The better you apply leverage, the more free you’ll be and feel.

We hope reading today’s edition of the OBO has ignited something in you.

Until next time,

The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

About The Author

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