[OBO DIGEST] Don’t let life pass you by (living on autopilot)
Solve your most profound problems, business + personal, by simply…
Online Business Owner • October 27, 2023


Being truly “aware” of the world around you is a superpower.
Because most people just go through the motions (and that can be extremely detrimental).
The truth is, the majority of answers to your most pressing problems, fears and anxieties aren’t far away, and they aren’t playing hard to get.
But you need to slow down — even if just for a moment — and notice them, recognize them, for what they are.
If you made a more intentional effort to understand what’s really going on in your business, health and relationships…
Just imagine how much better your life could (and would) be.
That’s why we’re going to help you act with intention today, with resources to…
Move from a capped business model to one that’s fully scalable
Communicate effectively so you’re guaranteed to be heard
Help your clients achieve real results through transformation
Release yourself from the daily burden of menial, boring tasks
Start improving your life (and your awareness) with these tips and more ⬇️

Stop Burning Your Most Precious Asset — Your Time
Because only a tiny portion of your working hours are genuinely effective.
And if you’re spending these hours on repetitive tasks, wearing all sorts of hats in your business… Something needs to change.
Because you’re left with barely any juice to focus on what truly matters:
Scaling your business
Forging essential partnerships
Creating value for your clients & customers
We get it — juggling multiple tasks isn’t a magic trick anyone wants to perform long-term.
That’s why The Doing Co has turned the art of hiring remote staff into a science.
Their free ‘Complete Guide To Hiring An Exceptional Online Assistant’ is your roadmap to reclaiming 20+ hours of your time (and sanity) every week.
How To Scale Your Business With A Many-To-Many Model
Many business coaches and mentors advocate for personalized services as the magic pill for expansion.
Though seemingly fruitful, this approach might be more of a hindrance (than a highway) to success.
One-to-one or one-to-many models could be the opposite of scaling and running a thriving business. Some may find prosperity, BUT these models can also be a recipe for exhaustion…
Because scaling is NOT possible when you’re the one doing everything.
So, hold off on your expansion strategy for a moment and hear what seasoned business mentor Gemma Went advises.
She’ll teach you a model that doesn’t rely on only YOU to serve clients, but allows your team to cater to multiple clients simultaneously.
This is the future of scaling businesses.
Make Sure You’re Being Heard: Mastering The Art Of Communication — You can learn a lot about successful communication in professional relationships from experts in personal relationships on “how to be heard.” Better communication can (and will) solve an incredible amount of your day-to-day problems. Pick up some active listening tips here!
Start Creating True Transformation Stories For Your Coaching Clients — Thousands of coaches across the globe have used this FREE checklist as the foundation for any type of health and fitness transformation their clients have paid them for. Use it to help your clients get the same: powerful results, every single time.
10 Strategies To Start Recession-Proofing Your Online Business — In this FREE comprehensive guide, Scott Oldford, a renowned figure who has overseen 40+ online businesses and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs scale to 7+-figures, reveals industry insights of the competitive 2024 online business landscape. Grab yours now!

Woman-To-Woman Conversations To Inspire Your Business (& Your Life)
Being a woman in business isn’t easy.
You may be in charge of the household, have kids at home, work a second job, and/or manage your family’s calendar.
ON TOP of owning and running your online business.
Entrepreneurship can be messy — as you incorporate life’s never-ending demands, and your plate starts to overflow quickly.
That’s why Angela Henderson — business consultant, author, entrepreneur, blogger, mental health clinician and, most importantly, MOTHER — shares everything she knows after 15 years of multi-passionately-tasking in the industry.
Whether you’re a new start-up or a veteran entrepreneur, tune in to her podcast and receive tips, tools, techniques and support from Angela herself and notable guests.
Because they’re talking top business strategies to help you grow, failures and struggles, fears and mental health, life and finances, successes and more.
Check out one of her most popular episodes below…
So, it’s time to create more moments that encourage intentionality and awareness in your life.
Our recommendation? Don’t wait for the perfect time.
Find a slot on your calendar, and block it. Pick a day of the week and create a recurring to-do or reminder.
That’s all you need.
Don’t wait for the perfect method or task, either.
Find a quiet place, grab something to write on, and start questioning the most important aspects of your life.
Then, DARE to go and change what needs to be changed.
Because once you’re aware, you can start to build your ideal business and life.
We hope reading today’s edition of the OBO has ignited something in you.
Until next time,
The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

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