A Simple Step-by-Step Process To Create an Offer That Sells With Ease

A Simple Step-by-Step Process To Create an Offer That Sells With Ease

Written by: Selina Feng • May 10, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@microsoftedge

If your offer is lacking momentum (or maybe even your business), chances are it's because of this...

I see it all the time.

Entrepreneurs put their hearts and souls into creating offers, so of course it’s heart-wrenching when it’s slow (or fails) to take off. 

And the tricky part is… It’s not always about the offer itself.

You can have a great offer, where clients get great results, and referrals dribble in from time to time. So why fix it if it ain’t broken, right?

While this may be “working” for you, it’s not as effective as it could be.

(it isn’t speaking to the right people in the right way)

The point here isn’t to fix what you’re delivering, but how you’re presenting it.

Think of a Grammy-award-winning album title, or a witty movie trailer for an Oscar-winning film.

It’s how you communicate the value of your offer to your dream clients.

So when I talk about “designing” your offer today, we’re really focusing on the outer layer of how you position it to your potential clients.

If you know you’re great at what you do, but your offer and/or business lacks momentum, this could be the missing piece.

I’ve experienced this myself and I’ve seen it happen through many of my clients. They produce wonderful work, but how they communicate their offer fails to convey the full brilliance of it.

That’s why I consider this the most important aspect of your business, and why it’s generally the first step I take with each client. 

Because nothing works until you correctly position the right offer. There’s no quick fix, latest trend, marketing hack or sales tip…

Your offer dictates your entire business. 

That’s why I’ve laid out three simple, intentional principles to guide you in designing the offer your business needs.

Because this won’t just help you in the short term. It’s something you can do over and over, iterating and evolving, as you, your business, and your clients do too.

3 key Principles For Crafting A sold-Out Offer

These principles can help any business, but they’re especially important for service-based businesses.

If you’re a coach, for example, your offer plays a central role in everything you do. It’s your work with clients, the foundation of your marketing, and it even determines the testimonials and referrals you receive.

The cost of getting your offer wrong is huge.

…misaligned clients
…zero referrals
…poor conversions
…unclear messaging
…SO much wasted time

Really, a lack of any meaningful momentum.

It might feel like every time you take one step forward, you take two… three… five steps back!

And I’m not saying perfecting your offer solves everything. But nothing else works until you get your offer right.

And once you do, you’ll save time… money… energy… and so much more.

You’ll set your business up for real, meaningful momentum that gives you certainty and peace of mind, knowing that people can’t wait to pay you. In the short and long term!

So let’s dive in. These intentional and holistic principles will guide you in creating the right offer, no matter what industry or current situation you’re in.

The Right OFFER is Only The Beginning!

Sign more clients consistently with The Intentional Client Conversion DM Scripts … I’ll show you how to connect to your ideal clients in a non pushy or salesy way, so you can make more sales with your current offerings!

1) The What: We Want To Know… "What's In It For Me?"

Want to know one of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make all the time?

They focus on “the solution” instead of the end result.

For a client to grasp why they should hire you, they need to first know what you’ll help them achieve (they don’t really care how you get them there). Which sounds simple and obvious, yet so many overlook this.

So the question now is… 

WHAT do your clients get from working with you? It usually comes down to:

  1. Money

  2. Time

  3. Health

  4. Relationships

No matter what you do or offer, you likely help clients in one or more of these areas.

Which makes these the all-important aspects of life to trigger your client into taking action.

By tapping into even *one* of them right, you’ll “speak” to your clients. Your offer becomes relevant and assures them that you know how they feel, and what they need.

If this is new to you, try starting with one, and focus on the others later. 

If it’s “money,” what does this result look like? Do you save them money? Help them make more of it? Leverage existing cash to work while they sleep?

Same thing if it’s “time”… What does this look like? Will it save them time? Give them more of it? Help them optimize it?

Get clear on WHAT your offer can do for them before you do anything else.

2) The Who: Which Clients Will Get The Most From Your Offer?

Once you know what you offer, you need to hone in on WHO it helps.

And remember — this isn’t about who you WANT to serve. It’s about identifying who will get the most ROI from your offer. 

Because specificity sells.

Create a clear avatar, a specific someone who you know on a deep level and is best suited for the transformation you provide.

Think about a favorite client that you’ve worked with…

Imagine what it would feel like to have 100 (or even 1,000) more just like them…

That’s your person. Start here and expand your avatar from this foundation. 

But ask yourself…

Can you find more of these people? And can they afford you?

I see far too many business owners overlook this step. They put the time in to crafting their avatar, but then dig in their heels no matter what they find.

Because is your ideal client really IDEAL you can’t find them, or they can’t afford you? 


If you can’t tick these two boxes, it will be hard to build any momentum… no matter how good your offer is.

3) The How: Own Your Brilliance Without Being The Einstein Of Your Niche

The final principle you need is honing in on your zone of genius. Getting clear on HOW you help your ideal client (and HOW you help them achieve their desired result).

Without this final puzzle piece, all you have is a vision. It may look good on paper, but that’s it.

This is where the magic happens.

So how clearly can you answer the following questions…

  • What do you actually provide your clients?

  • What is your process, blueprint or methodology?

  • What makes it unique and different from other options?

  • What beliefs, values and experiences make up your brand? 

What makes you stand out in this busy world?

Here’s the thing I’ve learned about “uniqueness” over my years in business…

There’s probably nothing “ground-breaking” you can provide your industry. Though most marketers trick you into believing they are.

The “freshness” comes from your unique way of doing things. How you help clients with the collective wisdom, experience and beliefs you’ve gained to get you where you are now.

That is your unique process. Don’t let the word “unique” make you think you have to suddenly become Einstein and craft a brand new invention for your niche.

You are the solution already.

It’s allowing yourself to see, feel and embody the uniqueness inside your work. 

This step is where you turn the attention back to yourself. Until now, it’s been all about your client — who they are, what their problem is, what they need to solve…

Starting with them is important. Now is the time to align.

You + Them = Your Offer's Unique Positioning

By combining these three principles…

  • WHAT your client needs

  • WHO your ideal client is

  • HOW you help them achieve their desired results

You can now create your unique positioning statement.

Isn’t it so simple?

Positioning Statement = I help [ideal client] achieve [desired result] through [process].

Having a simple statement like this helps you stand out and cut through the noise in this busy and chaotic world…

Your audience likely feels overwhelmed by the day-to-day. And a clear message ensures your uniqueness clearly captivates them. 

It’s a personalized elevator pitch, allowing you to easily communicate what you do, online or offline.

This is a powerful plug-and-play formula that you can experiment with. Pick the most aligned version and use it in your social media bio, marketing copy, sales calls… even friendly introductions to new prospects in the DMs. 

Because here’s the magical part of this entire exercise…

The knowledge you’ve gathered to get here is unrivaled. You now deeply and clearly know who your ideal client is, where to find them, what they need, and how your unique self can help them.

And the best part is — none of this is set in stone. It can and will evolve over time. As you do, as your industry does, as your clients change…

Yet these three principles remain the same. It’s an exercise you can do over and over, teaching you so much about yourself and your business identity every single time. Conclusions & Next Steps

So What Happens Next?

I hope you feel inspired to put these principles into action so you too can learn:

  • WHAT (your clients’ biggest desire is)

  • WHO (your clients are, so they can get the most from your offer)

  • HOW (your uniqueness can strategically elevate your offer)

Because the moment you do, you set yourself apart in the industry. And soon you realize, your only competition is with yourself.

You get to be the big fish in your very own pond, and you have what you need to put this into action…

  • Write a positioning statement

  • Share it and refine it

  • USE IT 

Whether you have an existing offer or you’re building one from scratch, test it right away.

It will have gaps, but then you improve it. This is an ever-evolving process. But that evolution cannot begin until you do. 

So DO the exercise… test it… iterate it… most importantly, have fun with it.

I’ve seen the massive impact this can have, on my own business and those of my clients. This is like the primer coat before you paint, because your strategies won’t stick if you don’t have a solid foundation to set the tone.

Once you’ve aligned with a positioning statement, you’ll start to attract that type of client. And soon you’ll notice how much easier it is to hold conversations with the right people — in the DMs or on discovery calls. 

Which is something I break down in my ‘Intentional Client Conversion DM Scripts’…

Now that you’ve nailed your offer positioning, the next step is converting your potential clients into paid clients through an intentional sales process that feels good.

I’m so excited for you!

Thanks For Reading

About The Author

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