The Fastest Way to 6-Figures (Without Paid Ads or Tons of Content Marketing)
Written by: Krista Martin • May 16, 2023

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Unfortunately, most coaches waste time building their businesses. And loads of cash doing the wrong things. One of the biggest mistakes I see coaches in the industry making again and again is…
Attempting to implement 7-figure strategies when you haven’t hit 6-figures yet.
This often looks like…
…investing in paid advertising
…setting up complicated funnels and
…pumping out low ticket offers or courses
(There’s a right and wrong time to leverage these strategies in order to scale your business.)
That’s why we’re refocusing on what matters to grow businesses TO 6-figures: Bringing in consistent leads.
Because if you’re still trying to sell to the same 300 people you were last month, trust us, your business won’t succeed.
Would you like more potential clients seeing your content?
Attending your webinars?
Joining your programs?
We’re guessing your answer is “yes,” so let’s start with the 3 main ways to bring more leads into your world:
Paid strategies
Organic strategies
Leveraging other people’s audiences (OPAs)
Once your outbound marketing, lead-growing machine is running like clockwork… then we’ll talk paid ads and scaling strategies. Sound good?
If you’re looking for a burst of momentum or a focused sprint, organic strategies can work. Reaching out to your network, cultivating relationships and building from there is a great place to start.
But organic takes focus… tracking… follow up… and a LOT of time.
Yet paid ads aren’t right for this stage of your business, either. To get the most out of paid advertising, you need to know your audience inside and out (which generally isn’t the case pre-6-figures).
You also need cash to invest, consistently, month after month. And you need to be okay with that cash going out… and maybe not coming back into your business for some time, or even at all.
Not to mention, there’s the tech side of things.
You can hire support to run your ads. Or you even take a deep dive into various platforms and learn how to build ads from the ground up yourself. (Remember that time wasting we mentioned? This is NOT the best use of your time OR energy because we want you focused on high and fast ROI activities.)
At this stage of your business, paid ads are risky. The results are unpredictable, and they bring in leads completely new to you. These people might be skeptical or simply unfamiliar, so again, it’ll take considerable time to warm them up and create trust.
Now before you panic, no, you don’t need a huge email list or massive social media following to try the OPA approach.
And, it can work quickly.
Is there some up front work? Yes. BUT, this strategy doesn’t require large cash investments up front (or at all). And you definitely don’t need to waste time tinkering with technology.
This strategy works so well because… you’re borrowing trust.
Think about the last time you had a friend recommend a certain brand or product. It’s likely that you went in expecting a positive experience and trusted the brand more than if you simply saw an online ad.
The same concept applies here.
Their audience already trusts the brand, so when the brand trusts you… their audience follows. A likes B and B likes C, so now A likes C.
To bring this idea to life and apply it to your business, you need to create a win-win-win scenario. You win, the brand (who’s audience you’re borrowing) wins, and their audience wins.
Here are 4 hard-and-fast rules to keep in mind while establishing an OPA approach in your coaching business scaling strategy:
Rule #1: Do Your Research
Create a list of brands that already attract your ideal client. Think associations, networking groups, experts offering complimentary services, and companies offering adjacent products. Get creative and come up with at least 50 possible partnerships.
Before you reach out, look for strategic introductions. Maybe someone you know is already connected with this brand and could make the process a whole lot easier.
Was one of your colleagues recently on their podcast?
Has this brand partnered with one of your contacts in the past?
Have you personally used their products, services or programs?
Finding someone who already has a positive relationship with your potential partner will save you so much time. Ideally, they make a direct introduction, which then moves your name to the top of the list.
If you can’t find a way to be directly introduced to this person, that’s okay! Make sure you’re well versed on what this brand believes in and what they’ve been up to. Then, show you’re paying attention and that you’re invested in building a relationship by following up with a thoughtful message.
(Remember — “Drive-by marketing” is a thing of the past. Today, it’s about building genuine relationships through ongoing conversation. So take your time with this piece.)
Rule #2: Deliver Immense Value
If the partner brand did their job right, their audience will be excited. Ready to consume your content, attend your workshop, or snap up your free offer.
So don’t — we repeat DO NOT — skimp on value.
In our business, we spend a lot of time teaching clients how to activate their audiences (most of us are guilty of overeducating). So set your content or presentation up to both encourage engagement and gently educate.
Rule #3: Set Clear Expectations
From the very beginning, you and the brand you’re partnering with should know what’s expected, of who, and when.
Will you pay them a commission for sales?
If so, how soon will commission be paid, and through what method?
Will you swap and host the partner in front of your audience in the future?
Who will provide the copy and images for social posts and emails?
If you’re looking to build a long-term, valuable partnership, get clear on the details upfront. This will set you apart from a one-time exchange acquaintance.
Rule #4: Ensure A Great Experience 🥳
Do what you promise, and then a little extra. We’re big on over delivering.
How can you make this experience easy, fun, and profitable for your brand partner?
Most people dive into business partnerships transaction focused. And give very little attention to the relationship-building part.
Think about this new connection as a friend. Go above and beyond for them, and they’ll never doubt recommending you to their audience OR to other brands.
See how it’s entirely possible to bring in high-quality, warm leads without paid ads or organic outreach?
And no, you don’t have to wait and build a massive audience first.
Leveraging other people’s audiences to build your coaching business is the ideal method to start growing today. Because when you do, you’re leveraging the power of TRUST.
Our business grew from $40K to $220K in less than 12 months (and then continued on to surpass 7-figures) by focusing on two things:
Leveraging other people’s audiences
Speaking to convert (delivering value AND getting the audience to take action)
We’ve helped you with step 1, so now discover the 3 Proven Steps To Designing A Talk That Converts here.
Thanks For Reading
About The Author

The Fastest Way to 6-Figures (Without Paid Ads or Tons of Content Marketing)
Most coaches waste loads of time and cash doing the wrong things to build their businesses – including attempting to implement 7-figure strategies when they haven’t even hit 6-figures yet. Krista Martin shares 4 hard-and-fast rules to keep in mind while sustainably scaling your coaching business.

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