5 Steps To Fully Love, Own & Share Your Epic Self With The World
Written by: Nina Concepcion • May 17, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@goodfacesagency
For the longest time, I was secretly insecure…
Unwilling to be seen for my strengths or own my power
Unaware that I’d rejected and neglected certain parts of myself
In order to become a more well-rounded human being and entrepreneur, I knew I had to learn (and unlearn) what it meant to be ME.
And that meant owning, taking responsibility, and having courage to share my s***!
So if you don’t feel like your audience sees you, gets you, or hears you…
And you only partially love what you do, yet you know there’s another level of untapped fulfillment…
That means you have more to explore and share.
And when I say more, I mean the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, and everything in between.
Because there are two key elements at play here when we talk about you…
Your strengths, and
Your (perceived) weaknesses
Because unless you’re willing to explore the spectrum of your own humanity, you limit your ability to help other humans on their journeys.
I believe true fulfillment comes from sharing our authentic selves with others by positively impacting their lives, and passing on lessons we’ve learned.
In both life AND in business…
Too often, we play in the realm of what’s comfortable, what’s socially acceptable.
Growing up, I was told to…
Be seen, not heard.
Be quiet.
Sit down.
Shut up.
Stop talking so much.
And you can imagine what this all amounted to in my mind…
That I wasn’t good enough. Not worthy. Not valuable.
Now at 33 years old (and being a mum myself), I’ve come to realize and accept that, YES…
I’m loud and I have a big laugh (people say witch’s cackle!).
I’m strong and opinionated.
I stand my ground and I don’t avoid confrontation.
I have a very low tolerance for BS, and I’m willing to have tough, honest conversations.
I’m not afraid to say no, even if it upsets people (fear still surfaces but I don’t let it stop me or dictate my actions).
The more ME I am, the more people either love or dislike me. I’ve learned this acceptance and continue to deepen it within myself.
Because I needed to teach myself to speak up again. I needed to share my thoughts and feelings, even when I felt scared of rejection.
When I was a depressed teenager, one of my biggest realizations was that if I don’t share my true feelings, thoughts, and emotions… people won’t really know me.
I kept people at arm’s distance so I wouldn’t get hurt. But as Brene Brown says, “We cannot selectively numb. When we numb the pain, we numb the joy.”
But I did, and I was in a state of numbing everything.
People often ask me how I grew my social media following organically and start my entrepreneurial journey.
And it’s by doing this. By sharing who I was. Who I am in each moment.
It’s been an incredible journey that has taught me a lot of life lessons — about myself too.
So I want to share five of those lessons. Five that continually remind me to be my true authentic self whenever I feel like I’m getting off track.
Until you realize your reality is YOUR doing, you’ll continue to play the victim in your life. YOU are truly only responsible for your reality and perception.
Imagine 100 people looking at a single painting — everyone sees something different.
Our perception, conditioning, thoughts, and feelings dictate what we see.
We also unconsciously take on other people’s pain. So you must learn to detach from the need to save people. You ONLY have responsibility over your own actions and perceptions (not the reality of others or their pain).
When you do decide to start sharing your life, it’s important that you don’t word-vomit and fall into a victim state.
My rule of thumb is that I can accept something AS it is — and OWN that I contributed to it — without BLAMING anyone or anything.
THAT’s when I share something vulnerable on my social media.
Prior to that acceptance, I share it with loved ones and mentors who I intimately trust.
It probably only takes me 2-3 minutes to fall into comparison when scrolling social media.
So what did I do? I trained myself to STOP scrolling. Now, I’m more conscious of WHY I go on social media, and when.
Today, I go with a goal, focus, or intention. Not simply to consume what “happens” to pop up.
I speak to countless 6-, 7-, and 8-figure entrepreneurs on a weekly basis and they ALL feel the same.
So stay in tune with your own voice, thoughts, and values. Don’t compare your chapter 2 with someone else’s chapter 22.
Everyone is on their own journey. Stick to yours and focus on your own lane.
Out of these five lessons, I know this is where I could use the most improvement (most of the entrepreneurs I work with too).
As much as we all like to think we don’t judge, we do. We beat ourselves up based on some idea or belief when comparing ourselves to others.
When I’m the most accepting and loving in my life and business — regardless of money, external circumstances or relationships — I’m the most grounded and trusting of the universe.
… when I’m exercising self-compassion, kindness, and patience.
So I invite you to explore what each of these words looks and feels like for you. Ponder how you can improve in each area.
I like to talk aloud or journal in order to get more clarity on my mindset and my internal dialogue.
I’ve often felt overwhelmed. From doing my Tedx Talk to finally releasing and publishing my book The Naked You.
… even when I sat down to write this article.
My quote and mantra is…
Action Precedes Confidence ~ Nina Concepcion
Until I START, until I’m DOING it for long enough… the confidence is not there.
It’s only THEORY.
Once I start taking action, even five minutes in… I automatically have more courage and confidence, compared to if I sat there in my head overanalyzing.
Sometimes it’s just talking to a friend, journaling, or going to the gym.
So take action before you know it all.
Before you have the entire road map, and soon, each step will be revealed to you.
I remind myself to strive for progress (continuous progress — even just 1% better each time), not perfection.
Take reproduction, for example. We can’t have a baby in less than nine months, because there’s a gestation process we simply can’t speed up.
When we let go of trying to control everything (recovering control freak here), we open ourselves up to the magic of infinite potential.
THIS is what many of us refer to as channeling. It comes as we surrender.
When we get out of our own way, out of our head, and stop over-analyzing, we open up to receiving and taking action on the ideas, downloads, and inspiration that FLOWS through us.
This is exactly how I wrote my book, Tedx Talk, and this article!
When we remember we’re the vehicle for the message to come through, we can relinquish the pressure that we have to have it all figured out.
To truly own and share yourself.
Your strengths and weaknesses.
So what if…
…they ARE the same thing!?
…it IS your strengths that allow you to do what you do best?
…your perceived weaknesses, imperfections, and insecurities actually DO support you in being the most authentic version of yourself?
Because BOTH are necessary to be who you truly are.
To own and share who you truly are!
To truly own and share your real self, you must move through each step.
By making an ongoing commitment to these five steps, by owning more of who you are and sharing it authentically, you WILL make a bigger impact.
Feel the most fulfilled…
Feel the most aligned…
And, at the end of the day, you’ll be proud of how you show up — in your life and in your business.
To dive deeper, I invite you to read my book, The Naked You: A Guide to Embracing Your Imperfection In Life & Business.
It takes what we’ve discussed here to exciting new levels.
I’m thrilled just thinking about the impact you’ll make by sharing more of YOU.
Because the world needs to hear it… the world needs you to own and share your s***! 😉
Thanks For Reading
About The Author
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