How High-Achieving Female Entrepreneurs Can Harness Feminine Energy For Success In Romantic Relationships

How High-Achieving Female Entrepreneurs Can Harness Feminine Energy For Success In Romantic Relationships

Written by: Sami Wunder • November 08, 2023

Image Source: Ueberberg

Are the sparks flying more in your professional brainstorming sessions than during candlelit dinners? Is the relentless pursuit of business excellence making finding a compatible partner feel more like a hurdle, than a delight? Does the equilibrium between exhibiting strength in business, and softness in relationships, leave you feeling tangled?

If these resonate with you, you’re in your masculine energy — which is essential for scaling professional peaks — but it may be detrimental when seeking a flourishing romantic partnership.

Remember, the terms ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ energies are ancient concepts, integral to both men and women, denoting balance. They’re pivotal for achieving equilibrium in your life, not sexist terminologies.

For example, masculine energy is the ‘doing’ energy. It helps you navigate business challenges successfully, focusing on discipline, structure and taking action. Whereas your feminine energy is the ‘receiving’ energy. It’s crucial to savoring enriched, fulfilling romantic relationships, as it welcomes love and gifts from your masculine energy, allowing flow.

Now as a high-achieving woman, you may predominantly operate in your masculine, which is vital for professional success. However, to allow your relationships to flourish, you need to shift into your authentic feminine nature, allowing a harmonious balance. I call this ‘The Waltz Of Energies’ — a dance between masculine and feminine. It may feel clumsy initially, but with practice, it’ll become as natural as daily dressing.

Throughout this article, I use ‘man’ and ‘woman’ when discussing relationships, but please choose terms that work for your preferences.

Ready to waltz through your energies? Let’s dive in.

Step #1: Stop Controlling The Relationship

The number one way to amplify your feminine energy in dating is to stop controlling the relationship. Part of being a woman is choosing to embody your feminine energy in dating. You don’t want to ‘step ahead of the man’ in the relationship timeline.

This means no initiating communication, no texting, no reaching out, no sending Facebook and Instagram follow requests, and definitely no suggesting or planning dates — if he’s not asking you out! Even though this behavior may appear harmless, trust me, it’s not.

Initiating contact to lead the connection can harm the attraction a masculine man feels towards you, because, in a romantic equation, he wants to be the one leading and pursuing. If you’re feeling resistance to this idea, I want you to go inside yourself and really feel what comes up when you imagine giving up control…

Most often, my clients say they feel AFRAID. Afraid that, if they don’t make a move, the man will never make a move by himself. Overcoming the fear of losing a man is the first step towards releasing control and amplifying your feminine energy in dating.

And the antidote to this fear? Adopting a healthy mindset that, when a masculine man is really into you, he WILL step up. If you create the space for him to do so by leaning back and relaxing in your feminine energy.

Step #2: Be The Lighthouse (Not The Laser Beam)

Even when you stop controlling and initiating contact, you still might not be fully in your feminine energy. Most often, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man while dating.

Here are some examples of how it looks in practice:

  • Thinking about him all day long.

  • Waiting by the phone for a sign from him.

  • Leaving your schedule open so that, the minute he asks you out, you can say ‘yes.’

This is a major attraction-killer and can make a masculine man run away.

My favorite metaphor to help you overcome this hyper-focus is that of a lighthouse and a laser beam. The woman who is putting her life on hold for a man is like a laser beam — a concentrated, ‘dense’ light going in only one direction.

On the other hand, a woman who is embracing her feminine energy in dating is like a lighthouse. She emits light for everyone around. Ships from all corners of the sea are attracted to the lighthouse and sail toward her.

This is where feminine energy becomes a magnetic quality. It attracts what it wants, versus chasing after it.

Tip #3: Do Less (Even When You Want To Do More)

When I was single and still struggling, I was the sweet, nice woman who DID a lot of things for men. If they needed any help, I was the first to jump to their rescue. If they were sick, I would check on them and ask if they needed anything.

Once, a man I liked told me that his restaurant business wasn’t doing well. I wrote an entire memo on how he could improve the experience for his clients (and he never got back to me).

Of course, giving to masculine men and doing things for them is another attraction-killer. No wonder dating any of these men didn’t lead anywhere! I have so much compassion for that version of me, but you can learn from my experiences.

Thus, simply ‘doing less’ for men is another way to embrace more feminine energy in dating. And these are just some of the basic steps to “The Waltz Of Energies.”

As a high-achieving entrepreneur, you’re more than likely currently operating from your masculine. But these feminine steps are essential for success in both dating and romantic relationships.

Because remember: A man in healthy masculine energy wants to give to YOU. The masculine feels a sense of purpose by giving to feminine energy. So all you need to ‘do’ with your feminine energy is allow and receive joyfully, with appreciation.

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