Enroll 3 New $3K+ Clients Per Month By Focusing Your Efforts Here

Enroll 3 New $3K+ Clients Per Month By Focusing Your Efforts Here

Written by: Joy Bufalini • November 08, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@Windows

I’m excited to unpack a topic that many of my clients ask about, and I’m sure has been dancing around your mind too…

How to enroll three new clients a month, who are EACH willing to invest $3K or more.

Almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

But let me assure you — it’s not only possible, but it’s waiting for you.

We often find ourselves in self-doubt, because the evidence of our potential success seems to be hiding.

You might even catch yourself whispering, “Oh, that would be AMAZING, but how is that even possible?”

Here’s a little secret — belief is sculpted by evidence.

So if the evidence of your success is playing hard to get, it’s likely because your focus is all over the place.

Hopping from one thing to another without creating the evidence you need to believe in yourself.

So Before You Find Evidence, Choose Faith

Before I dive into how you can enroll new clients monthly, let me first clear your path to consistency, evidence and belief.

First, always focus on your ‘YES’ client.

The level your ‘YES’ client is willing to invest at, depends on the emotional weight of the challenge or desired outcome they’re facing.

Below, I’ll share my key ingredients that compel someone to invest at a higher level.

You’ve probably heard the saying “content is king.” Well, I believe that “consistency” is an equal queen.

I’ll share three main areas you want to be as consistent in as the sun rising every morning (ok, well almost!).

And finally, remember that entrepreneurship is a journey (not a race).

So don’t get caught up in the “musts,” “dos” and “don’ts.” Focus on creating content that resonates deeply, engages personally, and nurtures your audience.

And before you know it, the evidence you’ve been seeking will blossom before your eyes.

So, take a deep breath, embrace the journey, and infuse your focus with faith.

5 Proven Steps To Consistently Enroll High-Paying Clients

Let’s dive into your dream of enrolling three new clients a month.

1. Crafting Your Unique Offer

Your offer is the exact thing your ‘YES’ client has been waiting to hear.

It’s the blend of your unique and differentiated expertise that resonates deeply with them.

But remember, you’re not trying to be everything to everyone.

Instead, focus on crafting an offer that will make your ‘YES’ client feel like you really GET them.

2. Creating A Ripple Effect

Now, let’s focus on reaching more people with your unique offer.

When you help your client overcome a challenge or reach a desired outcome, it doesn’t stop there.

The transformation you facilitate will have a ripple effect, extending beyond the initial impact.

It’s the long-term value, solving a challenge with a lasting impact on their life.

And when you share their transformation with others, include my key ingredients to compel someone to invest at a higher level:

  • Emotional Impact: How deeply does this challenge affect them? How does not having their desires create a sense of urgency?

  • Duration Of Struggle: How long have they been experiencing this challenge or journeying towards the desired outcome?

  • Use Value: How does everything change for the better, after the challenge is solved?

Too often, these essential ingredients are forgotten in content creation, leading potential clients to see service providers as “nice to have” rather than “have to have.”

To avoid this, dig deeper in your content so it resonates in their souls. This will help your ‘YES’ clients feel seen, heard and understood, like no one ever has before!

3. Consistent Content

While your content should be consistent, it also needs to be intentional and relatable.

It should echo the thoughts, feelings and lived experiences of your ‘YES’ client. It has to reiterate what they’re going through.

Avoid being too general or using ideas that might alienate someone. Instead, use words your ‘YES’ client would in conversations with friends. This will help them feel like you get them.

Focus on these three areas:

  • Your Content: This doesn’t mean sharing a cascade of memes, quotes or random content. Instead, consistently and intentionally share content that speaks directly to what’s going on in your ‘YES’ client’s mind.

  • Your Engagement: This means responding to emails with warmth, connecting on social media like a friend, and inviting people to respond within your content.

  • Your Audience Growth: This happens by nurturing more of your ‘YES’ clients. (Good news — you don’t need to spend more money on ads! There are lots of simple, free ways to grow your audience).

By showing up consistently and intentionally, your ‘YES’ clients will automatically be drawn towards you and your offering.

4. Engagement

Engagement is crucial for building trust and community within your business.

So, yes, respond to emails, engage on social media, and invite participation in your content…

But remember to have solid boundaries and know when to switch off from “business mode” — because there’s always more to do.

And your mental wellbeing is just as important, my love.

5. Audience Growth

Lastly, keep a pulse on your audience growth, and ideally keep it consistent.

Let me repeat — you do NOT need to run ads or have a huge following to do so.

Instead, focus on growing your audience organically, one ‘YES’ client at a time.

Over time, you’ll have a flourishing community of ‘YES’ clients.

Now It’s Your Turn To Enroll 3 New $3K+ Clients

There you have it — a roadmap to enrolling new clients every month.

Remember, it’s not about being everything to everyone.

It’s about knowing exactly who your ‘YES’ clients are, crafting a unique offer that resonates, and creating content that speaks to their souls.

Engage with them genuinely, nurture them consistently, and watch as your community of transformation flourishes.

You have everything you need, to make this dream a reality, within you.

With a little faith, focus and consistency, you’ll not only enroll three new clients a month…

But you’ll create a ripple effect of transformation that extends far beyond your initial impact.

Thanks For Reading
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