Why Your Business Needs A Generalist, Not A Specialist

Why Your Business Needs A Generalist, Not A Specialist

Written by: Gemma Went • May 02, 2023

Why 7-Figure Business Owners Are On The Verge Of Burnout

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@glvrdru

If you roam the online business streets these days, you've likely noticed the multitude of people who help successful entrepreneurs run their businesses (and lives).

I’m talking mindset coaches…energy healers…branding experts…marketing advisors…

It never ends! 

And it’s not just the super successful, multi-million-dollar business entrepreneurs either.

Everyone in the online business world seems to have a long list of experts, guides, and virtual sherpas who help them get stuff done.

It’s a lot to manage, a lot of people to find and then hire, and, if you’re like me… it’s A LOT to comprehend.

Yet, if you were to base your business trajectory on what you see online, this appears to be the only way… 

You “need” to surround yourself with specialists to build, scale, and run a successful business and achieve the life you desire.

It’s overwhelming. And honestly, just not true.

I’ve worked with so many clients who feel this same sense of overwhelm, and I tell them all the same thing —

For some, niching down works. For others, it doesn’t.

So before you make any drastic hiring decisions, read what I’m about to share, and then see if you agree that this is the future of online business.

To Niche Or Not To Niche: An Alternative Perspective

You’ve probably heard the saying, there are riches in the niches…

Which is true, there definitely can be. There’s something to be said about hiring a specialist who solves a specific problem or helps you excel in one particular area.

Yet “specializing” isn’t the only way to strike gold — for the person offering the service or the person hiring them.

As a former specialist myself, I learned this the hard way, attempting to conform to “standard advice.” But not anymore.

Today, I’m a self-subscribed and extremely proud generalist.

I’m a business coach with specific, select skills, yet I don’t force myself into a box where I only focus on them. I have far more to offer, so refusing to branch out would be a disservice to both my clients and myself.

But more on that in a minute…

First, I’d like to illustrate my point by sharing a modern-day fable of a mechanic named Mike.

Because it’s that time of year again for my car’s regular tune-up.

So I take it to the local garage and hand the keys over to Mike.

He gets to work, topping up the oil and replacing a few spark plugs. Within an hour, he’s done, so he calls me and I pop down to pick up the car.

Simple, right?

Yet it’s only simple because, like me, Mike the mechanic is a generalist.

Imagine if he wasn’t, and Mike niched down so he only checked cars, he didn’t fix them… 

After ten minutes, he’d call me and list some “to-dos” —

  • The oil needs changing, which his friend Jim down the road can do…

  • The spark plugs also need replacing; Dave across town does that…

  • One of the wheels needs aligning — Jeff can sort that out for you…

  • and so on…

If this was my reality, an otherwise simple car servicing wouldn’t only cost me a lot of time, but way more money. It’s just not practical. 

Yet, this is how many of us are told to run our businesses. 

Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes you do need a specialist. 

If we use the car analogy again, not every vehicle has a timing belt. So let’s say something goes wrong with yours. You’re probably going to choose a mechanic that works with them regularly to make sure you get the best support. 

But the reality is, the less people involved and the fewer decisions you have to make, the less overwhelming running a business truly is. 

This Overwhelming Feeling… Whose Fault Is It?

So to recap, sometimes you do need a specialist. There’s something specific in your business (or life) that needs help, so you work with someone who knows what they’re doing.

They come in, fix the issue, and make everything better. Sorted.

But the main problem with this approach in general is that business owners don’t focus on just one thing.

You want growth. You want momentum. In fact, you may already have momentum, so now’s the time to double down and buckle up. 

Plus, you’re constantly inspired to do and try new things — whether it’s to develop yourself or take your business to the next level.

And the rocky road you end up on is one crowded SPECIALISTS.

Each vying for your attention, and each focusing on one specific area.

And sure, they’re probably really good at that one thing… but what’s the cost?

To you… your time… your bank account… the future of your business?


Each one of these specialists demands your time, money, attention, and energy. It’s not just the multiple hour-long calls you have, but the prep you do between those calls.

And this only scratches the surface because what about… 

all the time you spend thinking about it… 

the fact it might take 2-3 months to build trust and feel comfortable with them… 

what if these specialists contradict each other, leaving you more confused than before…?

The likely result? You feel more overwhelmed than ever.

Which leads you to not taking any action at all, concluding that “I can’t do this… I don’t have what it takes.”

But something very important to remember here is…

(whether you’re the business owner hiring them or the service provider helping them)

It’s not the specialist’s fault. 

It’s not even your fault. It’s the inevitable doom-and-gloom spiral that happens when you overcommit.

Leaving you with no energy, no focus and little-to-no money. Because working with, let’s say, five specialists is a LOT more expensive than working with one generalist.

And even worse… this distraction takes you away from your work, your ability to make a bigger impact and earn more money.

And all that momentum you’ve built? Gone… and you feel like you’re back to square one!

But as you’ve read, it doesn’t have to be this way.

In fact, a simple, yet powerful, shift could present you with endless opportunities moving forward.

Niche, Shmiche — Why Everyone's Going Holistic These Days

For years, I heard people preach niche, niche, niche

And it never made sense to me.

I understand how it can work, but more often than not, it’s a waste of time, money, energy, and resources.

And I speak as both a business owner and service-provider who doesn’t like to niche down…

AND a customer/client who doesn’t like to hire a niched down specialist, either.

Because your business is a living, breathing entity.

Sure, there are individual departments, but they all come together as a WHOLE.

And the same applies to your life… with many different areas, but they create ONE experience.

So doesn’t it make sense to approach it the same way?

This is what my clients learn to embrace while we work together. They liken me to a conductor, observing their entire business at once and adjusting when needed.

While I do have a few clients who hire me as a specialist to build, fix, and optimize… most of the time, they hire me to HOLISTICALLY heal their business.

This is the future of business… No more riches in niches! 

It’s time for the generalist to rise.

Generalists with holistic offers so businesses can choose to work with ONE person and… 

build strong, trusting rapport…
save time, money, and energy…
provide in-depth insight over weeks, months, even years…

A generalist who offers a range of modalities that serve both you and your business as a whole. One who understands how they work in harmony, identifying areas to improve and providing strategies as needed.

And when a specific issue does arise, they can recommend you bring in a specialist.

Together, you can build the business and life you desire, with the help of one person.

Sold On The Idea of Hiring Or Becoming A Generalist?

If you feel overwhelmed in your business right now, it’s likely not because you’re incapable of doing the work… 

But rather, you’ve overcommitted to too much, and too many people.

But now you can see, you don’t need to niche down, and you don’t need to spread yourself so thin.

Instead of seeking multiple specialists, find one or two generalists who can help you achieve your goals. Doing so doesn’t only save you money, but so much time and energy.

And if you’re currently a niched-down service provider looking to broaden your horizons…

Think about your current clients and entertain this idea. What if you’re adding to their overwhelm by only offering a specific service? Maybe you can serve them in a more helpful, holistic way? 

And if you’re anxious about making the switch, don’t be. You can choose to be a generalist who offers a holistic solution, just like I did.

If you’d like help taking the first step, grab my free guide: How To Become A Brilliant Business Coach.

In it, I take what we’ve spoken of here to deeper, more exciting depths.

I hope this article has inspired you to embrace a different approach that far few too people online are talking about — business owners and service providers alike.

Thanks For Reading

About The Author

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