The Mindset Trap That Keeps Service Providers Stuck In 5 Figure & Low 6 Figure Incomes
Written by: Laura Wieck • July 06, 2023

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In a world where time often feels like our scarcest resource…. We've often trapped ourselves in a business that acts more like an invisible cage than it does a vehicle for freedom & growth
The trap is set when we make our business model and revenue revolve around getting paid in exchange for the number of hours of work we do for a client or customer.
The idea that our time and energy are the currency of our worth limits us.
And it’s a limiting belief that has ensnared many of us service-based professionals.
We get trapped on the “entrepreneurial hamster wheel” where no matter how hard we work; we can’t get any further.
We hit a ceiling where our income potential is always capped. Eventually we can’t work any more hours in a week and/or the market won’t pay higher hourly rates.
However, I dare you to ask yourself a pair of questions…
Are you ready to smash through the glass ceiling?
Can you unlock the cage and step into something greater?
This article will unravel the mindset trap of trading ‘time for money’ that may be limiting you to a 5-figure or low 6-figure income.
Read on to discover the key to unlock your true potential, and live freely according to your own terms.
In the world of business, one concept is eternally pervasive: trading time for money.
While it may seem like a practical approach, this mindset can become a significant obstacle if you’re looking to reach that next level.
The idea that our worth equates to the hours we put in and the labor we do creates business models that do not scale.
It caps us to 5-figure or low 6-figure incomes.
And it is hard to break free from because it’s what we’ve been conditioned to operate and think this way from a young age. The mindset crystalizes as we grow into adulthood and becomes embedded in our professional lives.
We internalize the belief that in order to provide value and be paid for it, we must work hard and constantly “prove” ourselves with each hour we slave away.
And let’s be clear:
It’s not about refusing to ever roll up your sleeves and put in the work.
It’s about not equating your worth or potential with the hours you clock in.
Even with all the steps forward, such as raising your rates, creating an online course, putting together a membership, or offering high ticket coaching…
…there seems to always be a snag.
You find yourself doubting your capabilities and overcomplicating things.
A lingering sense of inadequacy prevails, making you feel as if you’re not enough or not doing enough.
The problem is not the business model but the mindset.
Blocks in your mind are the invisible barrier that stifles your growth & limits your income potential.
What if I told you that this mindset is not your destiny?
Even if it has been reinforced over time — it can be deconstructed.
Your neurophysiology, where this mindset lies, can be rewired with a new approach.
To break free from this trap, let’s start by dissecting these common blocks:
It can cause you to undervalue your services and hold back from reaching your potential. Embrace the fact that you’re an expert in your field, and your knowledge is valuable.
The best solutions are often simple. Do not let complexity become a mask for inaction or procrastination.
Perceived inadequacy.
You are enough. Understand that your value is not tied to the hours you work but the impact you create.
By acknowledging these traps and consciously working to manage despite their presence, you set the foundation for a true mindset shift.
You are not defined by your past or your present.
You have the power to change your mindset and redefine your future.
I have put together a free 45-minute training session to help you break free from the “time-for-money” trap within your service-based business.
This training will:
Illuminate your limiting beliefs
Equip you with strategies to overcome them
Provide you with the tools to harness your strengths
Guide you in recalibrating your mindset for abundance
When we shift our mindset from trading time for money to creating value, we open a world of opportunities. As heart-centered entrepreneurs, we have the power to create a more fair, kind, and loving world. The world needs us to be fiercely aligned.
You can check out the free training session by clicking here.
You only have one precious life. There is only NOW. Trading “time for money” is a mindset trap that may hold us back, but it is not a life sentence.
As we shed unconscious ‘rules’ and allow space for what our business could be, everything changes.
Living fiercely aligned, we can build a world where we prioritize the health of each other and our planet over profits.
You are what the world needs now. Let’s break free from the mindset trap together. Embrace abundance. Embrace equity. Embrace connection.
Remember, time is not money—value is!
Thanks For Reading
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