Why Certifications Are A Power Move For Your Business & Your Clients
Written by: Gemma Went • October 02, 2023

Image Source: Gemma Went
Doing business online is like sailing the ocean — it’s always changing, and it can be unpredictable. That’s why it’s good to seek help from experienced seawolves.
Maybe someone with over a decade of experience in online business, and another 15 years working with large companies. Someone who has thrived through many storms. Someone who…
Nope. I can’t do it anymore.
Talking about myself in third person feels like commenting “Great stuff ❤️🔥💖💝” under my own Facebook post — cringe.
But I know my purpose is to be a lighthouse. A beacon for others starting their entrepreneurial journey.
That’s why I created the Conscious Consultant Certification®. This program is designed to teach and motivate new online business consultants, coaches and strategists using rich experiences and tested strategies.
And guess what? It got a big thumbs up from accreditation bodies like the CPD and IAPC&M. Because it offers a ray of hope for those who want ethical, sustainable ways to grow their businesses with accredited, certified online business experts.
And I probably don’t need to tell you this, but there are SO many business coaches online these days. So it’s essential to differentiate the experts from the beginners. For example, nowadays it’s common to hear that mindset is everything, and I actually strongly disagree. Here’s why mindset ISN’T everything in business.
That’s why you need to be careful. Because a business advisor can help you avoid risks and find success in business — but only IF that advisor has experience in your situation (or a very similar one). And we both know that you want to provide your clients the best possible advice.
So, let’s talk about why having the right certification to support your business is so important. Because taking a good certification program can be a powerful tool for your business, accelerating your future plans and supercharging your growth.
If you prefer listening (instead of reading), here is my 25th podcast episode on The Scale With Soul Show: Power Of Certifications. But this article below does contain a few gems that I don’t mention there…
I came up with the idea for my certification program after getting frustrated with how things were unfolding in the online business coaching world. Many coaches didn’t have the right training to guide others on their entrepreneurial journey.
Growing a business and then trying to teach others based on that ONE experience isn’t enough. Because we all have different experiences in life that shape us, and there isn’t one singular path to success.
I think this lack of understanding has caused people to lose trust in online business coaches. Because more and more coaches can’t keep their grand promises. In my view, they fail because they don’t have the right skills or knowledge to do what they said they would.

I created my certification program because I knew the problems coaches and consultants face
Creating a coaching and consultancy certification program was a big journey for me. Because it wasn’t just about adding another title to my name. It was about creating real change in the industry — raising the standards.
I started this program in 2021, and so far, I’ve seen my students achieve nothing but positive results. It was like planting a seed, and then watching it grow. It turned into a tall tree, ripe with useful skills and real-world knowledge for others to pick, test and try out. And then they went and planted their own seeds. That’s what a good certification can do for you, when it’s done right.
Getting certified is more than just a notch on your business belt — you’re a guide for others. I help people like you avoid common mistakes while aiding in your growth. Because throughout your journey, you will not only be teaching others, but also continually learning and growing. As a leader and consultant, you’re setting a good example in an industry that needs better, more ethical practices.
So, let’s keep making a difference. Let’s lead with passion and truth. And then let’s guide others to do the same with certified accreditation.

When I hear someone say “You don’t need certifications in 2023.”
Think of certifications as a safe shortcut on your path to becoming an expert. Instead of second-guessing your way forward, why not get certified and save yourself years of trial and error?
Because certifications aren’t simply a sign of learning. They’re like a stamp of approval that says “I can teach and help others.” It’s a gift filled with trainings and tools, as well as permission to share and use what you’ve learned. THIS is where the magic happens, where change starts to spread.
You’re not just building your business by taking another 6-12 month program. You’re doing something bigger. You’re learning how, and then helping others do the same. This process is more than just learning the skills. It’s igniting both confidence and growth — and you’re leading the way.
Start With Accredited Business Growth Programs
When you’re getting certified, you’re learning, training and helping others. So this isn’t only about growing your business as you build your authority, but also sharing what you’ve learned with others.
In fact, I’ve seen my own students change A LOT. And as their teacher, I watched them improve their businesses — time and time again — using the tools and tactics they learned. But they didn’t stop there. They then shared what they learned with their own clients. And this type of chain reaction in the industry creates a BIG impact.
Certified business growth programs are a dance of learning and teaching. They’re a place where wisdom is both gained and shared, creating a bigger, more beautiful picture of change.

Every time I learn something from one of my certification students
Why Every Coach & Consultant Should Be Certified
Lastly, let’s talk about why having the right certification is such a big deal — like finding a treasure chest.
Think about going on a journey with no map, wandering around an unknown place.
Now, imagine having a detailed map that guides you all the way. That’s what certification can give you. A plan to help you in the interesting, but often tricky, world of online business.
But certification is more than just a key to your own success. It’s like the baton in a race. It lets you run ahead and also pass on what you know to others. This creates a wave that spreads knowledge everywhere.
More and more people are seeing how valuable certification is. Having a certified program is like wearing a badge that says you’re credible. It tells everyone that you meet the high standards set by the certification group. It makes you stand out.
So, if you plan to build your business by getting certified, reach out.
Or if you’d love to check out my double accredited online business certification, check that out here and jump into the next cohort. I’ll be there to welcome you, with open arms.
You’ll be ready to not only future-proof your business but to help others by sharing these strategies with them. It’s a win-win!
Now to make it a win-win-win, because you won’t just learn and earn…
You’ll also meet and bond with like-minded people = priceless.

Coaching certification is like coffee for your career, it speeds it up
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