The $0→$10k + Launch Process For Coaches [4 Clear Steps]
Written by: Jason Moss • May 09, 2023

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Here’s a secret about the coaching industry that nobody talks about…
You’re not actually selling coaching!
It can be tough to remember that when you look out and see so many others pushing their coaching programs.
So many of them say the same thing that it can make you think you have to do that too…
…or it can lead you to believe that even when you DO share things that are unique and valuable…they get lost amongst all that noise…
Regardless of whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a bit, most coaches get caught up in all the noise…
…some to the point where they lose sight of what coaching is all about:
Serving your clients to help them solve problems and overcome barriers so they can get where they want to be.
Because what you’re really selling is a bridge — helping your clients move from where they are now to where they want to be in the future.
And while this bridge can take many forms, the support on their path to move forward, grow, heal, evolve, profit, and love more in life is what your ideal clients will pay you for.
That is what will compel them to take action (and to take it with you).
Coaching plays a role, of course, but there’s a lot more to it. The coaching is not what they are paying for.
This is always the case, no matter where you are on your journey or where they are in theirs.
This article came from popular demand for a deep dive on this process that I shared in my recent guest appearance on the OBO Podcast.
If you want to hear me talk about this process (and more) with Vernon, check out the episode titled “How to Attract & Enroll 2 – 4 New Coaching Clients Every Month”
If nothing else, this conversation can help you strengthen your vision and clarify your path towards creating the kind of business & lifestyle you want to have.
Before I share the simple, proven launch method that I’ve personally used and helped hundreds of other coaches implement… First, let’s talk about the elephant in the room.
Because the truth is, sure, achieving success as a coach requires you to have the right strategy in place. But equally important is the right mindset to apply that strategy and see it through long enough to create success.
If there’s one mindset block that holds coaches back more than any other…
It’s imposter syndrome.
And I get it. I’ve felt it too. I still do at times. In my experience, this is something newer coaches suffer with more than most.
If you’ve noticed thoughts like…
Who am I to teach and coach others?
What makes me special?
What makes ME qualified?
You’re in the trenches with us. Yet there’s one simple step to overcome this (or at least minimize it) so imposter syndrome no longer stands in your way:
Shift your focus from self to other.
Imposter syndrome comes from you focusing on you. But your coaching business isn’t about you.
It’s about your clients and your potential clients. About serving them and providing value, building a bridge so they can break free from their current situation and step into one they desire. This shift in perspective is huge — for you and for them!
Because not only will this eliminate your imposter syndrome… But the more you can shift into a service-oriented mindset, the more you can see imposter syndrome for what it is…
Self-doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, nerves.
These feelings are natural, especially when you step into something larger and more expansive in your life.
Everyone experiences them at some point, even those you follow and admire.
But shifting out of a self-focused mindset makes it that much easier to hold these thoughts in a larger perspective…
To accept the thoughts and move beyond them, so you can finally let go and focus on giving your clients the solution they need.
Once you’ve reframed imposter syndrome, the 4-Step Launch Method I’m about to share makes a lot more sense…
If you want to create success as a coach, you need to build your business the right way. And with so much advice out there, this may feel easier said than done…
Because it’s overwhelming at first, especially as a new coach.
That’s why I’ve simplified the process for you with this 4-Step Launch Method.
By following it, you’ll not only quickly and easily get your business off the ground, but also set yourself up for success along your journey. Let’s dive in!
1.) Determine Your Niche
Your first step is getting crystal clear on who you help. If you’re just starting out, likely all you’ll have at this point is a hypothesis (at best!).
The point here isn’t to create a detailed avatar that’s set in stone. Your ideal customer will likely evolve over time as you start working and understanding who you serve.
So don’t worry about niching down too deep or focusing on the wrong person. You’re at the starting line. You don’t need all the answers right now. What you do need is something to work from.
That’s where creating a customer avatar comes in. Craft an imaginary (or ideally based off a real) person, who you’d like to work with, and how you can positively impact them.
Remember, your entire business is building a bridge and getting them where they want to go.
Because right now, your ideal customer is stuck in a situation. Your job is to help them move beyond this. How you do so and the various specifics… well, that comes later.
So before you start marketing your services, take the time to hone in on your niche. Build an avatar. Get to know them. Learn who they are and where they are. Consider how you can help them and what you bring to the table.
Once you have this dialed in, you’re ready for Step 2…
2.) Craft Your Offer
Once you’re clear on who you want to serve, it’s time to craft your offer. And again, nothing you decide is set in stone. Anything and everything will evolve!
So the goal is to come up with an idea you can test with your niche.
An offer that solves a genuine problem and takes your ideal clients from where they are today to where they want to be. This can look like a variety of things:
1-1 coaching calls
In-person sessions
Exercises and challenges
Group sessions or cohorts
Just to name a few…
Your focus right now is building that bridge. Helping them leave their current state and reach their desired one — whatever it looks like.
So don’t get distracted and start thinking about scaling, automations, systems or processes (those come much later). Instead, work with your people 1-on-1 so you can get to know them better.
This not only creates a more impactful experience but teaches you a LOT about who they are, what they need and how you can help them too…
I see so many business owners make the same mistake here, trying to dial in a “perfect” offer before they launch…
…spending months trying to build out a complex course or program…
… struggling to come up with a funnel or fancy automated system…
… desperately trying to scale fast and work with groups from the offset…
And that’s why I’m telling you now, so you can avoid these pitfalls. You don’t need a funnel or sales page or anything like that to start. Keep it simple.
All you need is a defined offer to test and a 1-page document that communicates what it is. From there, reach out to those you identified in Step 1, and see what happens.
Then, based on what you learn, iterate, optimize, improve and tweak your offer. But before the final product comes to life, you may want to take a quick step back and focus on Step 3 of this process…
3.) Grow Your Audience
Having a dialed in offer is great, but who are you selling it to now?
Sure, you honed in on your niche and avatar in Step 1, and that’s a good start in knowing who you want to talk to. But right now, you likely have a potential audience.
You need to focus on growing an actual audience. And there are several ways you can start gathering these people and bringing them into your world:
Email list
Facebook group
YouTube channel
Podcast listeners
Just to name a few…
How you decide to do this depends on your niche and avatar. But the overarching point is to consistently show up in a way that allows them to see you as “the likeable expert:”
Likable = someone your audience knows, likes, trusts and finds relevant
Expert = someone with expertise and has demonstrated a solution to their problem
Now this process takes time, and it isn’t easy to do, but the good news is that you don’t need to build a huge audience.
It’s more important at this stage to build trust with your people, however small or big your community may be. Share valuable information, show up again and again, give more than you take, and offer both help and support!
And remember, don’t spread yourself too thin. Focus on one platform or one type of community. You can always expand and scale up later. At this stage, quality is far more important than quantity.
And DO NOT forget to give them crystal clear instructions for what their next step with you is! (Ex. invite them to your offer.)
This doesn’t have to be a hard pitch. In fact, it shouldn’t be!
4.) Perfect Your Process
If you properly complete Steps 1-3, you’ll soon experience people reaching out to ask…
“How can I work with you?”
You need to have an answer prepared AND a clear process to convert them from an interested prospect to a paying client.
Don’t worry about automating this or building a team just yet…
At this stage, you’re still testing your offer and seeing what works (and what doesn’t).
This means the best way for you to close a client is likely an in-person call.
In time, you might be able to remove this from your process by creating funnels and sales pages, or hiring a team and delegating calls to others. But for now — and the foreseeable future — jump on a call with every interested prospect, because…
It informs you about who they are and what they need
It helps you to refine and improve your offer
It empowers you to customize and position your offer based on their unique needs, which will help you close more deals
This last step is SO important because everything you’ve created so far is based on an educated guess. Your avatar can and will change, as will your offer. It’s all up in the air and open to change.
So these regular phone calls keep you moving in the right direction.
All you need to do is take it one step at a time and practice patience.
Go through the 4 steps and take your time doing so. You’ll lay down strong foundations that’ll make a huge impact on both you and those you serve.
All of this is easier said than done, and I’ve only provided a high-level overview of these 4 steps.
That’s why I’ve developed a free guide that walks you through the whole process in greater detail.
In it I share the biggest traps to avoid and provide deeper guidance that will help you to successfully implement this into your coaching business…
And if you would like greater context and a deeper conversation on everything we’ve covered here, listen to my conversation with Vernon on the OBO Podcast.
Thanks For Reading
About The Author
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