Things You Can Do This Week to Filter Through the Noise...

Written by: Online Business Owner • November 01, 2021

The first time I saw someone tune a guitar by ear left me stunned. The way they could simply listen as they plucked the strings and turned the tuning keys every so slightly to find the right note felt like magic. Or, at the very least, the sign of a talented musician.

But it’s what I’ve learned about tuning a guitar since then that leaves me in even more awe. You see, tuning a guitar…

  • Isn’t something done once a year like tuning a piano or something you do once before you playing -- it’s done throughout practice or playing a gig.

  • Is a skill you must learn and continue to hone as you play.

  • Requires a certain level of calm and focused awareness to be done well.

  • Can be viewed as part of the ritual of playing guitar.

  • Requires confidence.

The practice of finding the right note and being able to distinguish between sharp or flat isn’t just a skill for musicians to develop. It’s something for us to understand as business owners, as well.

Instead of using our ear to find the correct note, we must learn how to use our brain and our gut to find the right information and advice as we start and grow our online business. Just like the guitarist must develop a calm and focused awareness to tune their instrument in crowded and loud spaces, we must learn how to quiet all of the noise around us and make decisions that are the best for us and what we are building.

A benefit of building an online business in the modern world is that there is never a lack of information, knowledge, ideas, or strategies to pull from. If you’re ever curious about how to do something, what strategy to use, or where you should focus next, there will always be some person or some piece of content available to tell you what to do.

And, at the same time, it’s vital that you learn how to filter through all of the advice and inspiration (AKA noise) and pick what is right for you (AKA finding the right note). Without that skill it’s easy to get distracted or pulled down the wrong path.

Things you can do this week to filter through the noise...

  1. Create quiet space in your schedule that allows you to think, dream, and come up with ideas. Give yourself a break from all of the noise.

  2. Moderate your consumption of content and ideas. Make sure you’re not just mindlessly consuming what everyone else says to do.

  3. Pair trusting your gut with input from people you trust the most. Having a personal board of advisors made up of biz besties, colleagues, and friends comes in handy here!

About The Author

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