[OBO Digest] 💻 The #1 way to stop procrastinating 

Don't miss out on opportunities because you lack this key skill

Online Business Owner • June 16, 2023

The average adult makes ~35,000 decisions a day. now IMAGINE how many decisions an entrepreneur makes… 😮

Not only do they tax your mental capacity, but they're time consuming.

Making a good decision isn't about flipping a coin or "going with your gut."

You gotta gather the right info, analyze it carefully, and consider different perspectives to ensure your choice aligns with your long-term goals.

And what is sustainable for yourself, your team, and your family.

It is daunting….

….but as you get better & faster at evaluating things from the perspective of your core values & your top goals:

You become an increasingly effective Executive in your business. You’ll naturally be able to attract opportunities, navigate risks, and grow the business.

Before you know it, people (including yourself) will trust your judgment, and that is priceless.

So today we're going to help you hone that very skill, with…

  • The science behind controlling your nervous system to master your life

  • Why kids benefit from hearing about entrepreneurship WAY earlier ✨

  • The best free newsletter to skip the scroll and still stay up-to-date

  • How shifting from self-mastery teaching can be mega-profitable

Let's go!

News + Happenings

Nervous System Mastery For Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur comes with its a unique set of challenges.

The exhilaration of being your own boss and pursuing your passion…

…can quickly turn into a grind as tasks mount and responsibilities loom.

Between being the decision master and juggling countless roles you play in your business…

It's no wonder that even the most driven people get overwhelmed 👎🏻

The reality of business (and life in general) is that there will be stress involved at some points. It is part of the deal.

There is a great quote that says:

“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.”

Our response to stress can either “flood” our nervous system and shut us down for a handful of minutes (or even for the rest of the day)....

…or it can propel us to healthy action.

And that action gives us the experience of how the world responds to the upgraded way you managed some higher stress moment(s) of life.

It quickly becomes a positive upward spiral that impacts every area of your life. The benefits are massive.

And the solution is simple (but not always easy):

Licensed clinical social worker & author of the new book From Stuck to Unstuck, Matt Codde is one of the web’s leading voices on how to regulate your emotions and manage stress.

His brilliant The Triple-A Response™ has empowered a growing community of entrepreneurs on how to cultivate resilience, maintain focus, and make better decisions under pressure.

And Matt generously shared the ultimate guide on Nervous System Mastery for Entrepreneurs on the OBO site.

This guide lays out the foundations you need to know & then offers you a free copy of From Stuck to Unstuck to dive deeper into The Triple-A Response™


Only read this if you want to gain greater mastery of your nervous system and reclaim greater control of your life.

In The Know

  • [Video] 3 Simple Steps To Improve Your Decision Making — Before making your thousands of daily decisions, learn how to optimize this process to benefit your business. By preparing for the inevitable, you can practice truly effective decision-making in action every 👏🏽 single 👏🏽 day 👏🏽

  • Boost Your Brainpower (& Your Business) With Bite-sized Snippets — Stop wasting time scrolling online, and let The Smarter Brain team distill the highlights for you! Receive brilliant ideas, tool and inspiration from great thinkers twice a week to build better habits and achieve your goals 📩

  • The Easiest Tool To Design Your Organizational Chart— Want to know the best way to optimize decision-making in your business? Having a clear organizational chart so each member of your team understands their roles and responsibilities. And this visual tool makes it look goooood too 👀


The next time you have a big decision you don't want to make…

Weigh the consequences of NOT making one.

Because procrastinating or being wishy-washy can cost you (and your business) big time.

You might miss out on fantastic opportunities, lose your competitive edge, and stunt your business's growth.

(And let's not forget about the confusion, frustration, and lack of trust it can create amongst your team.)

So start sharpening those decision-making skills!

Steer your business towards success, adapt to curveballs, and stay ahead of the game.

Cheers to making wise choices 🍻

We hope reading today’s edition of the OBO Digest has ignited something inside of you.

Until next time,

The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

About The Author

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