[OBO Digest] Content IS NOT King — instead, “this” is…

Here’s how to turbocharge your content… 

Online Business Owner • March 30, 2023

They say “content is king”, but that saying is as outdated as a modern monarchy.

We’ll leave the relevance of royal dynasties to the side as that isn’t our bag here at the OBO…but something that is in our zone of genius is: 


We know how important it is for most online business owners to be able to share useful, valuable, and relevant content.

Yet the “dirty secret” is that content itself isn’t as important as you may think....

(at least not in the way you’re led to believe!)

Content in and of itself does not matter.

It’s how you LEVERAGE it that does!

So before you do anything else with your day, grab a cup of the good stuff and read today’s first article… featuring some hyper-relevant advice from a bestselling author that knows how to create hard-hitting content 👇👇

3 Reasons Why Your Content Underperforms

As a business owner, you have a lot of expertise in your niche.

You’ve built a successful business around this. 

And you’re always eager to reach more people.


… and the vast rabbit hole creating it can take you down.

Blogging, Vlogging, Podcasting, Social Media-ing… you’ve prob tried it all! 

And chances are most of them left you feeling underwhelmed.

It just isn’t achieving what you hoped it would (and what your business is counting on it to do)

It’s frustrating because it takes a lot of your time and money.

So unless it performs, it’s gotta get the ax.

If you have underperforming content, chances are that you’re making one of 3 Mistakes that bestselling author & content expert John Williams reveals in this article.

Fix these mistakes and you’ll transform content WOEs into content WINs 💯


How To SHOW UP on Social Media (even as an introvert!)

Social media… let’s face it, it’s been amazing for online business owners.

Without it, we wouldn’t see as many incredible businesses like your own shine bright — BUT that isn’t to say it’s perfect (far, far from it!!)

For starters, it’s just so overwhelming.

This is true for everyone, but especially introverts.

(more on those fine people in a second)

More importantly, you see other entrepreneurs kill it on social … you see what they do and wonder what you’re missing…

In this article, Joy Bufalini shares five things that you are…

5 Secrets to Social Success that are likely within your reach right now.

As a proud one herself, Joy wrote this for her fellow introverts.

Yet as you’ll soon see, the advice on offer applies to all of us…



Content is NOT king… you are! The business owner behind the content!

Quality, relevant & highly inspiring content has to be your focus.

Yet this alone only gets you to the start line.

After reading today’s edition of the OBO Digest, we hope you see this.

It’s your job to leverage your content to level up your success.

And there’s good news… because the bar is set so-so low!!

You already know this… you see it every day… you’re bombarded with it!

… inadequate, boring & stale content!

There’s a huge opportunity awaiting you.

So take a stand and use the advice in today’s edition to rise up where everyone else seems to fall down. And if you know someone else who needs to read this, please forward it and encourage them to read.

Because wouldn’t the world be a better place with better content in it?

Thanks for reading,

The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

About The Author

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