[OBO DIGEST] Discover the Power of Conscious Selling and Transform Your Sales

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Online Business Owner • Month DD, 2021

Do you find yourself struggling to align your sales tactics with your personal and business values?

Many entrepreneurs view sales as a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable part of business. Today's featured article looks at how adopting a conscious selling approach can not only align with your values but also significantly enhance your customer relationships and, by extension, your business's success.

Also inside today's issue: 

  • Tools to help manage meetings and your CRM, streamline your workday, and save you time. 

  • An overview on managing social media interactions more effectively to maintain a dynamic online presence.

  • Strategies to improve your sales workflow and significantly enhance team performance.

Explore all this and more below ⬇

Cringy Sales vs Conscious Sales: What’s The Difference & Why It Matters

Do you view sales negatively, filled with pushy tactics and discomfort?

You're not alone, but there's a transformative approach waiting: Conscious Selling. This method reshapes sales into a positive, empowering experience, aligning with your core values and integrity.

By focusing on a heart-centered approach, sales become a powerful way to serve and connect meaningfully with your audience. Discover how this shift not only enhances your business relationships but also boosts overall success. 


★  Cogram: This tool automatically takes notes and identifies action items, and can sync key information to your CRM. It also provides summaries and exports of meetings in real time.

Beams: Constant context switching, too many open tabs and distracting notifications - sounds familiar? This app gently guides you through your busy workday - directly from the menu bar

PDF Filler: Fill hundreds of forms at once, saving hours of your precious time!


7 Ways to Improve Sales Workflow Management (…and close more deals)

Learn 7 practical strategies that ensure systematic, scalable workflows to enhance collaboration and reduce errors, guaranteeing more deals closed by your team.


How to Manage Your Social Media Comments

Gain insights into why managing comments effectively can transform your social media presence, with expert tips for engaging and maintaining a vibrant community across platforms.



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