[OBO DIgest] How to start living the life YOU wa

Early retirement, luxury travel, more family time — these are all within your reach

Online Business Owner • October 20, 2023


Designing your dream life IS possible.

But it requires determination, courage and intention.

While some people complain about their situation, others celebrate, iterate and adapt, even in the face of adversity.

Because freedom — whether financial, time, personal, you name it — doesn’t “just happen.”

Freedom is purposeful. Curated. Earned.

And this is possible for you. You CAN create a lifestyle by design.

But things only change if you do too.

So if your work, your relationships, your health, your [fill in the blank] feel off, it’s in your power to redesign your life.

These top resources will help you envision what that ideal life could look like, along with the tools to help you get there, so you can take massive action and achieve your vision:

  • Why certifications are the ultimate way to empower you(r business)

  • Shape the next generation of entrepreneurs with this how-to guide

  • Improve your systems by REMOVING yourself from operations

  • Channel success in your personal life to match your professional life

Let’s go! ⬇️

Why Certifications Are A Power Move For Your Business (& Your Clients)

With SO many business coaches online, you need to be careful who you choose.

It's essential to differentiate the experts… from the beginners.

Because a business advisor can help you avoid risks and find success — but only IF that advisor has experienced your situation (or a very similar one).

We know you want to provide your clients with the best possible advice…

That’s why having the right certification to support your business is crucial.

A good certification program can be a powerful tool for your business, accelerating your future plans and supercharging your growth.

Learn everything you need about getting certified, and/or creating a certification program, from online business mentor of +20 years, Gemma Went.


Flippa Insights: Unlocking The Power Of Profit Multiples

Check out the latest stats from sold businesses and see how your online business stacks up:

  • Flippa’s average annual profit multiple stands at 3.03x.

  • It’s a good time to sell that content business you’re holding on to: Flippa sold a 6-year-old content business for a peak annual profit multiple of 5.93x.

  • Service business multiples have soared to a high of 5x the annual profit.

  • For SaaS businesses valued at $250K+, the average annual profit multiple is currently 3.6x.

  • The top Ecommerce profit multiple was 4.7x. This was a 19-year-old hair-loss prevention Ecom business.

Compare the value of your online business with the latest profit multiples and insight data from Flippa.

In The Know

  • Assemble A Team To Grow Your Biz (That Doesn’t Depend On You) — Isn’t that the dream? To build a team who can manage themselves and work towards your vision. Optimize your energy and reclaim 20+ hours a week with the FREE Systems To Scale Playbook to build your business without sacrificing your time.

  • How To Teach Your Kids What They Won’t Learn In School — Over 250,000 parents have nurtured their "Kidpreneurs" to develop core life skills at a young age. If you have kids aged 6-12, check out this interactive online guide giving your child a safe (but exciting!) way to explore entrepreneurship and money management.

  • How To Prioritize Your Day (When Everything Is A Priority) — Life is about making intentional trade-offs. Because if you don’t choose your priorities, your priorities will choose you. Follow 1 of these 5 approaches to optimize your happiness by regaining control of your path daily.


Escape Your Old Patterns & Find Love As A Female Entrepreneur

High-achieving women often struggle to be as successful in love as they are in their careers.

They know EXACTLY how to get what they want at work, so why can’t they get a partner to commit — sound familiar?

Relationship coach Sami Wunder has figured out why.

She’s sharing her best tips so you can AMPLIFY your feminine energy and attract high-quality masculine men.

Find out the 3 simple, but fundamental, ways to access your feminine energy and connect more deeply in the dating process while you’re killin’ it at work.

Thanks For Reading

So ignore the naysayers %FIRSTNAME%.

If you’re willing to put in the work, your life can change — and become a-ny-thing you want it to be.

Early retirement, luxury vacations, family time, deep rest,…

These are ALL within your reach. If you have the discipline to make it happen.

We invite you to choose 1 area of your life that you wish was different, and define HOW it would look if you designed it yourself.

Then, start making adjustments to move in the direction you really want.

We think you’ll find fulfillment and joy when you give yourself that permission.

And the best part is? This simple process can be repeated in every area of your life.

We hope reading today’s edition of the OBO has ignited something in you.

Until next time,

The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

About The Author

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