How To Scale While Staying In Alignment (7 Key Steps)
Written by: Abi Levine • May 02, 2023

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It seems like everyone on your social media feed is thriving in their online business….
And even though you’ve tried all the things
(Where some worked, some didn’t, and some did but not as fast as you would’ve liked)…
…But trying so many different things have left you worn out, and your patience is rapidly wearing thin…
If you feel that you’ve spent enough time trying to figure things out the “hard way” and now you’re open to seeing how to do it the “easy way”…
It’s easy to wish for a magical key, top-secret password or hidden rock…
Anything that might help you get you into the elusive club for people whose lives are deeply enriched by their successful online businesses.
The truth?
If you just started thinking correctly, they might let you in…
The even deeper truth?
A lot of really successful people DO have a secret.
Whatever you want to call it, there are more useful and less useful ways of thinking that either solves problems….or creates problems (and excuses and blame and shame and stress).
The empowering thinking process is something I call The Wealth Alchemy Formula.
Want to know the real reason you’ve been having trouble scaling your online business?
Because you’re trying to do it someone else’s way.
You’re not in alignment with yourself. You’re trying to fit into “their” alignment.
And it’s not working because that way wasn’t made for you.
If you haven’t heard this term before, listen up. Because we all have an Alpha Map.
It represents the highest experiences we can have while we’re in our human bodies.
Your Alpha Map is the most amazing and varied sets of experiences, the largest amount of growth and evolution, the biggest impact, and the most money (to support your endeavors) that is possible for you.
So with every decision you make, you either stay on your Alpha Map or deviate from it (but don’t worry, you can realign any time).
If you’ve followed your intuition (or your gut) to this point in your business, then you’re on (or at least close) to your Alpha Map.
(And if you haven’t, that’s ok. We’ll help you with that too).
Because your Alpha Map is extremely detailed. It includes who you’re supposed to connect with, talk to, and work with, to what your marketing funnels should look like and so on…
So once you’re aligned, all you need to do is learn how to read your map (plus a few other things) and then get out of your own damn way.
AKA… The Wealth Alchemy Formula.
So now that you understand why this is important, let’s dive into how you can get started.
I’m going to walk you through the seven steps anyone with an online business can take to get from where they are now, to where they want to go. No matter your situation, industry, you name it…
Because this is the process you need to get back on track (and stay there). And it begins with the most important step, so don’t skip ahead or overlook it.
Stick with me, and I’ll help you successfully scale your online business once and for all, step-by-step.
Most people misunderstand this step, because they think of it within the context of “war.”
I give up! I surrender. I won’t fight anymore. I’ll just lie down and leave my fate to that guy.
But in my formula, this definition couldn’t be further from the truth.
In fact, surrender is one of the most powerful and vulnerable skills you can possess.
It means letting go of control and letting go of the outcome.
It means that you get to stop trying to “force” things to happen.
As long as you are staying aligned and on course, you can let go of little things and allow yourself to go with the flow.
THAT’S what true surrender means, and it is hard.
Especially if you’re like I used to be, and often think things like:
“If I want it done right, I have to do it myself…”
For people like us, we fully believe that the outcome is up to us.
And when suddenly something is not that way, it can be really hard to let go of the wheel and trust the unseen force that monitors your Alpha Map.
As you surrender to your Alpha Map, you will naturally see your highest path unfold and reveal more divine outcomes that will serve you and the greater good.
The hilarious thing that we all realize sooner or later is…
We never had control of the outcome to begin with.
You just trick yourself into thinking you did. So the outcome is the same, whether we try and control it or not.
And more often than not, we make it worse by trying to control it.
Think of it like this…
You put a cake in the oven and it has to bake for 20 minutes. It doesn’t matter if you yell or scream at the cake to bake faster… it’s still going to take 20 minutes.
And if you keep opening the oven to check on it, you’ll actually slow it down!
So in this scenario, you have two choices:
A) You keep yelling at the cake, getting upset when it doesn’t bake as fast as you want, or
B) You trust that when the timer goes off, the cake is done.
Either way, the cake will finish baking at the same time. The difference is your experience of the process.
A = Control.
B = Surrender.
But there’s also an option C… let’s say you don’t wait the required time and you take the cake out before it’s done.
Now you just assume that it doesn’t work, and that cakes don’t bake. Before you move on to something else.
So what kind of baker do you want to be?
This is my favorite step, because it’s the key to reading your Alpha Map.
When you start decision-making by following your intuition, you stay 100% aligned with your Alpha Path. But the tricky thing with intuition is…
It only gives you a few steps at a time… and specifically, the next steps, not the end steps.
Think about the practical reasons for this…
If you knew your destiny, you miiiight be tempted to skip important steps that appear difficult or hard, but are crucial to helping you get there. And if you didn’t get there, that would take you off your Alpha Map.
The world is in a constant state of flux, and all 8 billion of our paths are interconnected. So every time someone deviates from their Alpha Map, your map readjusts to keep you on the highest path. Because you, my friend, are doing the work. So it’s impractical to give you more than a few steps into the future because it may change 600 times before you get there.
It’s great to know what your next steps are… but they’re useless if you don’t take them. So this part of the process, although super obvious, is key to your success.
Because I can’t tell you the number of clients I’ve talked to and heard them say…
Client: It’s not working!
Me: What did your intuition say to do?
Client: It told me to <fill in the blank>.
Me: And did you do it?
Client: <pause>… no.
Me: Ah.
You have full free will on this beautiful path of life. Which means you always have a choice.
— To take the action your intuition tells you to do and stay on your Alpha Map, or…
— To not do what your intuition tells you to do and deviate from your Alpha Map.
I’ve also tried skipping steps… I wouldn’t recommend it!
P.S. Intuition doesn’t care what you think about what it’s telling you to do. It isn’t trying to be liked or accepted by you. It’s here to guide you. That’s it!
This step can be tricky to explain, and hard to accept. But on this journey through life, you’re going to meet people who don’t have your (or anyone’s) best interest at heart.
And unfortunately, they don’t wear signs around their necks advertising that they don’t care about you. In fact, quite the opposite. Usually, these people pretend to care A LOT.
They’ve studied people like you and they know what to say.
They understand how to build trust from the moment they connect with you. They tend to be charismatic and shiny… kind of like a lure that leads in front of the horrifying angler fish.
But sooner or later… you see their true colors…

The thing about these shiny, charismatic terrors is that they usually possess an overwhelming energy. And you temporarily forget how to use your intuition.
If we remembered to use intuition with EVERY decision, we wouldn’t need discernment.
Intuition would simply say: HELL. TO THE. NO!
But since we don’t, we need discernment to flash warning signals when we’re dealing with someone like this.
The only online business owners I’ve met who actually like boundaries are the ones who have been burned in the past by not having them.
Therefore, they say boundaries are a must, must, must — and I agree.
You put these in place for times when someone isn’t treating you with the utmost respect and dignity you deserve. You can’t cross your fingers and hope they’ll change. They won’t.
Humans push boundaries. We love to test them. And if we don’t find any, we keep pushing.
So setting firm, loving, compassionate boundaries with specific consequences ensure we have the best experiences life has to offer. Because we live on a planet with other people. And those people only treat us the way we allow them to.
So demand the best for yourself and your business — starting… now!
Some people like to call this step discipline, but not me. If someone mentions the d-word, I’m out.
There are elements of our earthly experience that we alone can manage, and are required to live the life of our dreams. Elements that no one, not even God, could make us do.
(And believe me, I’ve tried. Asking a bunch of different ways.)
Yet there are behaviors that can lead to an incredible Alpha Map experience, if we learn to manage them with maximum kindness and effort.
Behaviors I encourage you to consider and manage include:
Knowing where your money’s going
Spending less than you make
Saving and investing wisely (intuitively)
Your health in all various forms
Managing your relationships, communication, acceptance, etc.
Taking responsibility for your choices, decisions, and actions
Just to name a few. Managing self-mastery is a frequent stop on your Alpha Map anyway.
If any of these sound tricky to you, don’t worry. Just do a little at a time, or find someone to hold you accountable while you practice. (Plus, I have a fun bonus for you below).
This step takes time, dedication and practice, because there isn’t a person alive who can say I’ve never trusted the wrong person.
We’ve all been hurt. Countless times.
We’ve all been disappointed.
We’ve all experienced an event that taught us: people can’t be trusted.
We’ve also made mistakes so big that taught us: I can’t be trusted.
And then there’s old faithful, “Where was my spiritual team when I went through <fill in the blank>?,” causing us to believe: my spiritual team can’t be trusted.
Not to mention…
“Money can’t be trusted… it’s always running away from me”
“The weather can’t be trusted, seriously… what the hell?”
“People we’re ‘supposed’ to trust, like governments, authorities, nope, not them either”
A lack of trust undermines every action you take (or would take).
You’ll constantly keep yourself small due to your inability to fully trust others.
And forget about surrender, because that requires both trust in yourself and your spiritual team.
Trust. Must. Exist. Plain and simple.
And it’s easier than you might think to cultivate. You can build it step by step, shifting your mindset to attract people who make it easier to believe that, yes, people can be trusted.
Start by making little promises to yourself, proving that you can be trusted.
And finally, practice surrender to show yourself that your team can be trusted.
So there you have it.
The seven steps to scale ANY online business to whatever magnificent heights you can possibly think of. Just take one step at a time.
Start with a step that’s easier for you and work backward. Get support if you need it. And rest, take a proper break, when you need to.
I’ve been through this journey myself, and it can be a long and complicated one.
That’s why I created a journal (that I’m gifting to you) that reinforces these seven steps. To help you work on your relationship with money (and your mindset).
Grab the free Become A Money Magnet journal here →
Because the world and its people want what you have. You just need to give it to them!
Thanks For Reading
About The Author
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