7 Steps To Attracting More Pay-In-Full Clients

Written by: Nina Concepcion • February 07, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@frozen_warmth

There is probably nothing more frustrating than giving all of you: all of your love, all of your presence into something or someone… 

And then feeling like you get nothing in return.

Not feeling appreciated, respected, or heard. 

We’ve all experienced a client who doesn’t show up, keeps rescheduling, or just doesn’t do the work. This is one of the reasons I encourage all of my clients to steer away from pro-bono clients. 

More often than not… When people pay—they pay attention! 

It is no accident that the majority of people who pay in full are more committed than those who do not. 

Easier said than done, though, right!? 

You’re probably thinking… Nina I tried! I tried to raise my prices. I tried to see if they could pay. What am I doing wrong!?

After supporting coaches from over 14 different countries over the last 10+ years in doubling, tripling, and quadrupling their sales, I’ve found there are 7 simple steps to attracting

  1. More dream clients or soul-aligned clients (SACs) as I call them, and 

  2. More pay-in-full clients. 

But just because what I’m about to share is simple doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll easily implement it (or do so consistently!). 

Common sense isn’t always common practice. 

After all, how often do we forget just to be grateful if we don’t reflect or journal? 

So as you read through this article pay attention not to what you don’t know, but to what you’re currently not implementing. 

You probably already know it!

You’re just not focusing on it (or haven’t been). 

Or forgotten to implement it (if you don’t have processes in place to remind you).

The Conscious Sales Method I take all my group programs and 1-1 clients through is an in-depth version of what you will get in this article. 

Here, I’ll mostly cover the mindset and energetics around my methods. 

Because without that, the strategies aren’t implemented to their fullest. 

I always say Action Precedes Confidence. When you understand the mindset and the energy of Conscious Sales and attracting in more amazing clients, ANY amount of massive action will generate more results than no action! 

So follow these steps, take massive action, and watch yourself magnetize more pay-in-full SACs!

The 7 Steps To Attracting More Pay-In-Full Clients

1: Open your heart

We all know what it’s like to forget to drop into our heart. 

Analysis paralysis can easily consume us when we’re trying to figure out each and every step when we haven't even taken the first one! 

Words mean nothing with no action. Just decide to do it. Open your heart.

2: Find gratitude

Be grateful for what you DO currently have. 

Your existing clients, loved ones, clients, who you are and the love you have within, those around you, and what you are able to give….

Gratitude is the fastest way to manifest AND to feel good while you attract it!

Sounds simple, I know, but it really is on this occasion. You just have to decide you want to focus on what you have and then do it—if you need to, get a gratitude journal to help get you started and keep yourself accountable.

3: Activate your RAS

People often tell me… Nina! No one wants to have a call with me or buy from me. I have run out of leads. I don’t have anyone else to contact. 

Here is where I call BS! 

This was a hard lesson I first needed to learn myself. 

Wayne Dyer said, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” When we activate our Reticular Activating System towards anything we DIRECT our mind to what we want to focus on. 

Often what my clients realize when they say this is that they realize they just weren’t looking hard enough. 

The question then becomes where can I find people who I can help? 

There is always someone out there needing help. We just need to find them! 

And if we cannot see them, we’re usually not looking hard enough.

An example… I had one client literally tell me she had no one else to contact. 

So I went to her public social media post and said what about this lead. You haven’t replied to their comment. Have you messaged them? They directly said they want to have a call with you! 

Or what about the referral I gave you 2 weeks ago? 

Did you book a call with them? 

Her response… OMG, I forgot about those two!

In short, there are ALWAYS more leads to talk to and find. 

This example with my client is no one-off. ALL my clients who do not currently make consistent $10k+ months start with this mindset. 

4: Expand your capacity to hold and receive more clients and money

When we repeat sentences like, I am so busy; I can’t take on any more; I am juggling too many things; I have no time for myself….

We claim energetically and externally to the universe that we cannot take on any more—definitely not more clients. 

Complaining only attracts more complaining. 

It is gratitude that attracts more of what we desire (back to point 2!).

I often take myself and my clients through a meditation where we expand the space around ourselves and expand the actual container of space we are in. 

The more spacious we feel, the calmer we are, the less pressure we feel, and the more we believe we can take on more. 

When we reach our first $10k month, $20k month, $50k month, and even our first $100k month it is a whole lot of energy we have not been used to. 

Like going to the gym for the first time and realizing you can be sore in places you didn’t think were possible. 

All of my clients who I help achieve this for the first time all have that energy and mindset of: OMG so much is happening right now! I am freaking out a little

I just remind them to embrace this moment, remember they wanted and attracted this, and to expand their container. 

Many people often stop the momentum when they get overwhelmed. But if we take a moment to breathe and create space for ourselves, we can ride that wave and increase our revenue by another 50%.

An example… I had one client at the start of last year who hadn’t made more than $100 as a coach—her goal was to make $6k in the next 30 days. 

When she did that, she became a perfect example of someone feeling slightly overwhelmed who leaned into receiving more and ended up closing $12k in her first 6 weeks—simply because she rode the wave. 

Everything is energy. In order to receive more money, abundance, fulfillment, and clients, we must create space for them and claim to the universe we can hold it.

Yet much of this comes back to self-care as we cannot pour from an empty cup; instead, you need to fill yours so you can pour from an overflowing cup.

5: Shine your light brighter

Decide to give yourself permission to shine brighter than you ever have before and be unapologetic about it!

Decide… Give yourself permission… shine… unapologetic… key words not to miss! 

Like Marianne Williamson’s famous poem quote… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us… As we liberate our fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

6: Take Fast Aligned Action

Fast… Aligned… Action.

I’ll keep this simple I promise you, as most people overcomplicate this massive point. Stop thinking! GO do it! 

If you already feel behind, late is better than never! 

I literally had a client last year stuck in fear and not following up on his leads. When he finally took action and followed up (after a couple of months of ghosting them), they ended up buying and became one of his first paying clients!

Late is better than never! Sooner is better than later!

7: Un-Attach from the outcome

After you take the action you need to take, embrace that what is done is done. 

Keep connecting with more people and keep sowing your seeds. 

Know and trust that it is INEVITABLE that when you continue to give a whole lot of amazing value it’s BOUND to come back! 

The sales and clients are coming. Don’t feel disappointed or disheartened when people say no or not yet. Not everyone is ready right now. Often when we let them go with understanding, love, and compassion, they end up circling back around or refer someone who is ready for your help! 

Give, not to receive, but to fall in love with giving. 

Knowing that the receiving will come.

When we are in love, we don’t give love to another person in the hope they love us back. We give them love simply because we love them.

When we treat our audience and leads this way, an abundance of love, clients, wealth, and fulfilment comes our way.

Conclusions & Next Steps

To recap 7 steps to attracting more pay-in-full SACs are to

  1. Open your heart

  2. Be grateful

  3. Activate your RAS towards SACs

  4. Expand your capacity to hold and receive more

  5. Shine your light brighter

  6. Take fast-aligned action

  7. Un-attach from the outcome

Do not wait for perfection!

I often say, "we beat imposter syndrome when we shift our attention from self to service”. This is something I talk about a lot in my book, The Naked You, sharing the importance of embracing our imperfections in life and business. 

The Single biggest thing that you can do TODAY to make the biggest difference in the number and quality of sales you make is to make the DECISION that you will follow these 7 steps.

You already have everything you need to start taking the steps you need to.

Yet if you want some extra help, you may want to download my FREE Soul Client Attraction meditation.

This is the process my clients and I use twice per day to claim and prime our conscious and subconscious mind to receive and attract more.

I am excited about the impact you are and going to continue to make.

Desire it. Claim it. You deserve it!


About the Author


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