How To Reframe Sales When Objections Are No Longer Rejections
Written by: Selina Feng • August 14, 2023

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Picture this: You’re on a sales call with a potential client and it's going well.
In fact, it’s going VERY well.
You’re so close to the sale that closing it seems like a formality.
But when you bring up the price, your prospect all of a sudden feels distant.
Their responses have shortened, and they’re leaning back. You can tell their defenses are up, and the entire mood of the conversation has shifted.
What do you do?
Do you ignore their resistance and go for the sale regardless?
Or do you pull back and give them some time, saying you’ll follow up in a few days?
If you’re like old me, you probably have NO idea what the right next move it…
Not to mention sifting through all the contradicting sales advice out there — it’s hard to know who (or what) to listen to.
I struggled through this uncertainty for ages, and I’ve watched countless clients do the same.
Because, chances are, you didn’t start your business so you could dive deep into the sales process. You do what you do because you love the work and you’re good at it — it lights you up.
Whereas sales… that’s just something you have to do. You would avoid it if you could.
In fact, maybe you even dream of outsourcing it one day…
If so, I feel you.
Sales was something I resisted too. And I convinced myself I wasn’t good at it.
Even when a call went well and the prospect inevitably brought up an objection, I’d freeze and end the call — even though I knew that I could help them in a transformational way.
Criminal, right? But I’m happy to report I no longer have sales-phobia.
Not because I learned some secret sales tactic or objection killing skill…
And not because I took a course, attended a seminar or outsourced my sales…
Instead, I took a deeper, more meaningful approach that sparked a chain reaction. And this reaction led to business growth, sure, but it completely and utterly altered how I showed up for my clients, and still do to this day.
I want to help you overcome this too, so first…
If you’d asked me what I didn’t want to be growing up, I’d have said anything to do with sales. My negative perception of “sales” went against the type of person I wanted to be.
…pushy, manipulative, aggressive…
And I know I wasn’t the only one. Many “salespeople” shown on TV aren’t exactly model citizens. So it’s understandable that why, as an industry, sales got a bad rap.
However, the more you learn about the sales process, the more these common misconceptions come into question…
Do you actually have to be manipulative to sell?
Is aggressively convincing the other person the only approach?
Why would I sell someone something they don’t really need?
On an intellectual level, we know these negative perceptions of sales aren’t always true (otherwise we wouldn’t have a successful economy), yet these beliefs shape our own behaviors.
Which led me to battle with myself on every sales call, at every networking event, and in every conversation with potential clients for years.
So what changed?
Simple… my mindset.
And specifically, my mindset around sales.
This internal shift began when I looked inward and considered what I personally go through when making a purchasing decision.
Not just business purchases either, but those in my personal life.
Often, I don’t know what I want. I have a rough idea in my head, but it’s far from clear. Which is both overwhelming and frustrating.
And it only gets worse as you continue to research, revealing more and more options.
So there I am… overwhelmed and frustrated. What happens next? I start to get in my head.
Limiting beliefs, objections, worries, anxieties, doubts, fears…
Flooding me until I freeze, and put off making the decision so I can “think about it.”
This was a true “aha” moment.
I suddenly understood how the sales process is actually intentional decision-making.
And since most people don’t know what they want and likely also feel overwhelmed, a great salesperson is someone who can simply help them process everything.
So it’s not about close the “sale”…
or doing whatever it takes…
and it certainly isn’t about aggressive tactics or pushy scripts.
It’s about empowering your customer to make an informed decision.
And you’re the right person to help them make that decision, because…
You’ve been in their shoes before and can empathize with how they feel
Can share stories about helping others just like them overcome the same problem
So your job here isn’t to make the sale, but rather to provide the right information to help your prospect make the decision that solves their problem and fulfills their biggest desire.
This changed everything for me.
I no longer viewed the sales process as a burden, but instead as an opportunity to:
Get to know my ideal clients in a deep and meaningful way
Share my genius and make an impact, whether they buy from me or not
Have fun facilitating helpful and thought-provoking conversations
Reframing my sales mindset transformed how I approach my business. And I’ve watched my clients go through similar journeys, to revolutionize both their sales processes and their businesses.
Are there specific sales skills you should learn and strategies you can implement to improve your process? Sure.
But none of them will make a difference until you change how you view sales.
This revelation changed everything, including how to avoid that stumping scenario I shared previously about when your prospects inevitably object during a sales call.
In fact, you might even find yourself looking forward to their objections because they’re actually opportunities to give your prospects exactly what they need.
So how do you do this?
For starters, it’s important to acknowledge that objections are normal.
It doesn’t matter how experienced you are or how much social proof you’ve built — objections will always show up. There’s no avoiding them, which means it’s vital that you prepare for and embrace them.
The good news is that it’s easy once you reframe your attitude toward sales.
Because an objection is no longer a rejection.
Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn more about your ideal client — and explain how your offer can solve their problem, improve their life, save them time, you name it.
So whenever an objection pops up, I encourage you to approach it with curiosity and wonder…
Why has this particular objection come up for this person?
Why has it come up at this stage in the conversation?
What factors play into this objection?
Is it a real issue, or is it based on fear, a limiting belief, past experiences?
Is this a current issue or will their situation soon change?
How does this objection make them feel? Is it adding to their pain?
In what way can I or my offer help them?
As I mentioned earlier, objections often arise because your potential client feels overwhelmed or frustrated in some way.
They don’t know how to process the information so they default to what’s protected them in the past.
For example, one of the most common objections you’ll hear is, “I don’t have the money.”
Maybe this is true. Maybe it’s not.
So it’s your job to learn WHY your potential client has said this. Listen to them. Listen to better understand them.
If they truly don’t have money, is this a short-term issue that will clear up soon? Is it something you can help with via a payment plan? Is it less about the money and more about the fear of wasting it?
There’s always more to the objection than what’s on the surface. So get digging!
Another common objection you’ll come across is, “I don’t have the time.”
Again, be curious and listen to understand.
Get clear on the time they do have. Get clear on their current situation and if it’s about to change. Think about your offer and if it gives them more time — or at least empowers them to better use it.
Another common sales objection is, “I need to speak to my partner / spouse.”
Once more, learn the reason why they need to do this. Are they looking for permission? Is their worry based on a lack of self-confidence? Do they seek validation in some way?
Each time an objection arises, it presents you with an amazing opportunity to get to know your potential client.
Not to sell.
Not manipulate.
Not to build fake urgency or scarcity.
It’s a chance to better help the person you’re speaking to.
With this approach, your mindset is always focused on… How can I help this person?
That’s the definition of sales. You helping your prospect make a better, more informed decision.
Once you truly acknowledge and embrace this, no objection can truly hold you back.
But remember, not every sales call will result in a sale. Sometimes an objection is too big to overcome, and the reason given is valid. That’s totally fine.
You can be proud that you gave it your all. You did what you could to help the other person make an empowered decision.
But in my experience, reframing your mindset like this will improve your sales.
For starters, you build better trust and rapport. This approach leads you to genuinely understand who you serve on a deeper level. In turn, this then empowers you to elevate your offer and provide transformational solutions.
Above all, you’ll have a lot more fun this way.
Less stress. Less anxiety. Less racing heartbeat each time you jump on a call.
Plus, you may find — as I and many of my clients have — that the objection your potential client leads with becomes THE reason you close the sale.
For example, if they say they don’t have enough time, but by working with you they’ll both free it up and leverage it better, you now have the confidence and expertise to navigate this.
You can help them see that working with you is the best, most logical next step to take.
It’s not pushy. It’s not even about money. It’s about you helping them!
Yet none of this happens unless you work on your mindset and reframe your approach to sales.
If you’re like I used to be (and this is often true for many business owners), you’re doing both yourself and your clients a disservice by clinging to outdated perspectives you likely formed YEARS ago.
Sales doesn’t have to be something you hate.
It can be a fun and transformative experience.
I hope you can now see how this is true.
Because it doesn’t matter who you are, what your personality type is, the number of years you’ve been in business, or the industry you’re working in…
This “decision-making process” we call sales is just the natural progression to help your clients get to where they want to be.
This can be how you experience sales.
If you’re an online coach or service provider looking to learn how to sign on dream clients consistently with intentional marketing and sales strategies, join Selina’s free Facebook community.
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