5 Costly Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring A Business Coach

5 Costly Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring A Business Coach

Written by: Angela Henderson • November 08, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@LinkedIn Sales Solutions

There are countless ways you can go about trying to grow your business. And while many of them may work, seeking out an expert who has done what you’re trying to do is the single most powerful method — hands down.

Hiring a business coach can provide you with the tools you need for success. And a good business coach can set you and your business up with valuable systems, experiences and contacts to put you ahead of the curve.

But a BAD business coach can do the exact opposite. They may not have the necessary expertise or experience to provide you with valuable guidance and support. Or they may just not be a good fit for your personality and communication style.

So how do you choose the right person to support your business, right now? Here are five common mistakes you should avoid when hiring a business coach.

1. Hiring A Friend

This cardinal rule in business is too frequently broken: Never work with friends or family. And it’s a tempting rule to break because, when it works, it can be awesome. But more often than not, it doesn’t work out, and leads to the deterioration of your business, or relationship, or both.

Additionally, hiring someone you’re close with to be your business coach or consultant can result in them holding back. They don’t want to hurt your feelings, or rock the boat.

But you want someone who can be completely objective to advise you. This will ensure your business coach has no hidden agenda and can deliver tough lessons when they’re needed.

2. Hiring Someone With Limited Connections

A commonly overlooked mistake when hiring a business coach is not considering their contacts, network or circle. The advice and experience a business consultant gives you can be invaluable, but an even more valuable asset is their industry rolodex.

You want a business coach who can help you build relationships in your field, gain support and extend your network. So do some research about the crowd your potential coach is associated with. This may seem shallow on the surface, but the reality is that networking will build your business faster than anything else.

3. Not Knowing What You Want To Achieve

One of the most common mistakes I hear from clients who experience bad business coaching is not being clear on their goals first. Business coaches and consultants aren’t mind readers. Coming to us with a vague goal of wanting to “improve your business overall” won’t yield immediate results.

Before meeting with ANY business coach, analyze your business performance and look at the areas you want to improve specifically. This will streamline the process, saving you both time and money.

4. Skipping The Background Check

You’d be surprised how much a quick Google search and Facebook stalk can reveal about a person. Use these tools to your advantage to research your potential business coach’s credentials. Check testimonials, research if they have any qualifications, look at what events they attend, and review their professional history.

Good business coaches are proud of their experience and expertise, so if information about them is hard to find, that’s a definite red flag.

5. Hiring Without Test Driving

Lastly, one of the biggest mistakes you should avoid when choosing the right business coach is not “test driving” your coach before you agree to work with them.

For example, you don’t walk into a BMW dealership and tell the salesperson to draw up the contract for a $200,000 car without looking at it first, asking questions and taking ithe car for a test drive. You do your research before making a final decision.

It’s the same when hiring a business coach. If you’re going to work with someone 1-to-1, do your research. Join them for a free discovery call, follow them on social media, listen to their podcast or watch their videos. Get to know their business and their style of coaching. This process allows you to ask questions, get a feel for their personality, learn about their services, and so much more.

Keeping an eye out for these common mistakes can potentially save yourself a LOT of time and money. Because finding the right coach could be the best thing for you and your business. So take your time and don’t settle for less than you feel is right.

Hire The Right Business Coach Today

While hiring a business coach can be a game-changer for your business growth, being aware of what you need to AVOID is also crucial for making the right decision. Because these mistakes can cost you a great deal of time and money — ultimately deterring you from ever hiring a coach again.

But the fact is, hiring a business coach to propel your business forward could very well be the best decision you ever make in your business. And by avoiding these mistakes upfront, you’ll increase your chances of finding the right coach for you and your business. One who can guide and support you towards your version of success.

If you’re ready to take the next step and invest in your business, I’d love to connect with you. Join me for a free 30-minute Zoom chat where we’ll talk about your struggles, set new goals and explore how I can help you grow your business. Book your call today.

Also be sure to check out my podcast, The Angela Henderson Online Business Show, dedicated to supporting you — in your business and life.

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