[OBO DIGEST] Every successful business owner needs to practice this skill
Without it, you’re likely missing golden opportunities
Online Business Owner • December 14, 2023


As 2023 comes to an end, we invite you to reflect on your year:
— Did you accomplish everything you wanted to?
— Did you have the discipline to reach your business goals?
Because even if you’re the most talented person in your industry, you won’t get far without focus, drive and consistency.
Less skilled business players may get farther ahead than you, simply because they seize the opportunities that come their way.
And without discipline, it’s easy to miss golden opportunities, because you’re too busy, disorganized, crunched for time, you name it.
So take a beat this December, reflecting on your 2023, and strategizing what you want for 2024.
Where do you want to focus, grow and expand?
With those goals in mind, use discipline to guide your actions, so you can…
Craft irresistible offers to attract more of your ‘Yes’ clients
Beat the recession by choosing a winning strategy (in less than 24 hrs)
Stop being ghosted by promising prospects in your personal life
Create a fool-proof client acquisition system, month after month
Find all this and more below ⬇
Free 60-Minute Consulting.com Business Coaching Call
(Not A Sales Call)
If you’re an entrepreneur generating at least $50k/mo and want to increase your scale and leverage within your business, apply for your free value-only Consulting.com business coaching session & get direct help from a 9-figure coach.
You’ll walk away from this 60-minute session with clear, actionable insights to unblock your constraints and unlock new levels of growth.
This isn’t a sales call, but rather a session fully focused on your business.
If want support after the call you can schedule a time to learn more. Apply below for your free coaching session right now.
Say YES To Success: Your Guide To Crafting Irresistible Offers
As entrepreneurs, we work hard every day to make a difference in the lives of others.
Our impact is directly related to our ability to structure offers that attract our best potential clients.
But many business owners struggle to do this well.
There are a handful of all-too-common mistakes (like being too vague) that limit the number of people who will find your offer relevant.
Client attraction expert Joy Bufalini reveals the secret to overcoming these mistakes and understanding who your ‘Yes’ clients really are.
Because once you craft an offer that powerfully articulates the value you can bring them, working with you becomes a no-brainer!
Beat The Recession With A Winning Strategy
Drive growth, boost performance, and make a lasting impact. You can have a new strategy in as little as 24 hours. Without the pains of old-school methods (like 100s of slides).
Book my free strategy session.
How To Sign 2-4 New Coaching Clients Every Single Month
This free client attraction guide gives you a simple, 4-step roadmap for consistently attracting new coaching clients into your business.
This Is Why People Ghost
Want to know why leads and prospects ghost in the sales process? Or why someone ghosted after a date? You know, where they just disappear.This article was written from a dating perspective but has some high-value lessons on why people ghost and the best way to respond. Read the article.
How 16 Companies Are Dominating Global Google Search Results (2023)
Learn how the seemingly diverse list of websites in Google search results is often owned by just a few brands and exactly what you can take away to use in your own business. Access the free report.

The Fastest Way to 6-Figures (Without Paid Ads or Tons of Content Marketing)
Most coaches waste loads of time and cash doing the wrong things to build their businesses – including attempting to implement 7-figure strategies when they haven’t even hit 6-figures yet. Krista Martin shares 4 hard-and-fast rules to keep in mind while sustainably scaling your coaching business.

5 Steps To Fully Love, Own & Share Your Epic Self With The World
Do you feel fear about sharing all of yourself in your personal life or in your business? Nina Concepcion shares 5 powerful steps you can take to own more of your authentic self and share it with the world.

How to Embrace Life’s Challenges Without Losing Your Spark of Joy
Learn how “The Magic And” technique empowers you to reframe experiences positively. Share your feelings authentically, appreciate the silver linings, and seize growth opportunities. Witness the ripple effect as your positivity inspires others. Take control of your emotions, actions, and words, opening up new possibilities in your personal life as well as your business.