[OBO DIGEST] Are freedom and flexibility eluding you?
How to run your biz, not be run by it
Online Business Owner • December 06, 2023


A lot of people become entrepreneurs so they can “ditch the 9-5.”
But while they’re trying to run far, far away the confines of a traditional job…
They often discover a hard truth:
That their new reality actually has MORE responsibilities, than it did when they were employed.
Sound familiar?
The sad thing is, a lot of business owners give up or turn back at this point.
Because the ‘freedom’ and ‘flexibility’ of entrepreneurship that they heard so much about is nowhere to be found.
But this is where you need to dig in.
No, running a business isn’t easy (if it was, everyone would do it).
But there are infinite resources, tools, communities and trainings that make it that much easier.
To help you achieve stability and predictability in your life and business, so you can remain flexible AND stay in control, simultaneously.
As a business owner, you get to decide what your reality looks like, and how efficiently you want to run it, using resources to…
Craft irresistible offers that your ideal clients will flock toward
Improve your marketing & support using powerful and proven AI tools
Simplify the legal aspects of your business, with templates & software
Find all this and more below ⬇

Billionaires wanted it…
….but 54,578 everyday investors got it first
… and profited
When incredibly rare and valuable assets come up for sale, it’s typically the wealthiest people that end up taking home an amazing investment.
But not always…
One platform is taking on the billionaires at their own game, buying up and fractionalizing some of history’s most prized blue-chip artworks for its investors.
In just the last few years, its investors have realized annualized net returns of 17.8%, 21.5%, 35% and more from these opportunities.
It’s called Masterworks. Their nearly $1 billion collection includes works by greats like Banksy, Picasso, and Basquiat, all of which are collectively owned by everyday investors.
When Masterworks sells a painting – like the 16 it’s already sold – investors reap their portion of the profits.
It’s easy to get started but offerings can sell out in minutes.
However, as a trusted partner, Online Business Owner readers can…
NOTE: Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures masterworks.com/cd
The 5 Bad Habits Of High-Achieving Entrepreneurs
What got you initial traction and success….
….may be the same things that drive you to chronic stress, overwhelm and burnout as your business grows.
If you do not acquire new ways of thinking and operating as you grow, it is only a matter of time before your growth stalls.
Top performance expert Rachel + David Godfrey shares the top “bad habits” that might be acceptable for those who are just starting out….
…but are surefire ways to frustrate and burn you out if you hold on to them for too long.
More importantly this article shows what you can do to overcome these habits to build the future business and lifestyle you desire.
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Ever feel like others are getting ahead in business with AI tools while you’re overwhelmed, not even knowing where to start? This free class shares simple ways anyone can use to generate leads, make more sales, and give better support through AI tools… Sign up now.
3 Common (& Potentially Fatal) Legal Mistakes Online Businesses Make
Learn how to avoid these common legal traps (and use code OBODIGEST to save 30% on the templates and software that makes it fast, easy and inexpensive to handle the legal aspects of your business)… Get access now.
How This Online Business Owner Earns $10M/Year Working 6 Days/Month
Olly Richards is sharing the exact blueprint he used to build and scale an online education business. Download his 117-page case study for FREE to scale your business (without the overwhelm) and reclaim your time (without the stress)… Download the free case study.

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