[OBO DIGEST] Are you protecting your business?

[OBO DIGEST] Are you protecting your business?

History has proven how fragile businesses are. Still, there’s a solution

Online Business Owner • November 09, 2023


Businesses are fragile

History has proved it repeatedly, and the recent global pandemic reaffirmed it.

One key component shifts, and your business could be over.

But don’t panic.

Changes are an opportunity to celebrate what you do well, and strengthen or adapt your weak points.

If you can do that, again and again, you’ll win.

We’re helping you build a more resilient business, with resources to…

  • Master the art of conversation and better your serve clients

  • Avoid legal traps and further protect your business

  • Implement millionaire astrology to get ahead of your competition

  • Take advantage of innovative investment opportunities

Find all this (and more) below ⬇️


Billionaires Wanted It, But 54,578 Everyday Investors Got It First… And Profited

When incredibly rare and valuable assets come up for sale, it’s typically the wealthiest people who take home an amazing investment. But not always…

One platform is taking on the billionaires at their own game, buying up and fractionalizing some of history’s most prized blue-chip artworks for its investors. In just the last few years, its investors have realized annualized net returns of 17.8%, 21.5%, 35%, and more from these opportunities. 

It’s called Masterworks. Their nearly $1 billion collection includes works by greats like Banksy, Picasso and Basquiat, all of which are collectively owned by everyday investors. When Masterworks sells a painting – like the 16 it’s already sold – investors reap their portion of the profits. 

It’s easy to get started, but offerings can sell out in minutes. However, as a trusted partner, Online Business Owner readers can skip the waitlist to join with this exclusive link.

Past performance does not indicate future returns; investing involves risk. See disclosures at masterworks.com/cd.

The #1 Skill All Service Providers Should Master First

When it comes to evaluating client relationships, there’s a critical piece that service-based professionals often overlook and undervalue…

The conversation.

We tend to place value on the tangible deliverables that we provide for our clients.

However, every aspect of business revolves around the art of conversation — marketing, sales, strategy, client empowerment, alignment, you name it.

So, understanding how you can use conversation to empower client transformation AND stay in alignment is crucial for your business.

The failure to communicate effectively can lead to a massive gap in your client relationship… and your bottom line.

Discover what it means to be fiercely aligned in your business and better serve your clients with powerhouse 7-figure coach Laura Wieck’s insights.

In The Know

Do You Have A 6- To 12-Year-Old Who Would Love To Learn About Starting Their Own Business?

Make the most of your child’s time at home and take them on a fun journey through entrepreneurship!

Get Kidpreneurs today and join over 250,000 happy parents who have already purchased this award-winning book!

Thanks For Reading

Everyone has weaknesses.

But the key lies in not overlooking them, and continually improving your fragile areas daily.

If you get 1% stronger each day, your weaknesses will soon become your strengths…

On the road to building an invincible business.

We invite you to look at your business critically, and decide which (potential) weakness you should focus on first.

We hope reading today’s edition of the OBO has ignited something in you.


Until next time,

The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

About The Author
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