[OBO DIGEST] Nix the routines

[OBO DIGEST] Nix the routines

Why doing the same thing over and over might be RUINING your business…

Online Business Owner • October 13, 2023


Don’t get us wrong, routines can be beneficial.

They create an environment where you feel safe (especially when you’re moving fast).

And once you’re in, you don’t want to leave. Because routines are comfortable. And comfortable is easy, it’s predictable.

But the thing about routines is, they don’t take outside factors into account.

While the order and structure of a routine can help keep you sane…

Everything around you is still moving, changing, adapting and evolving.

It’s very possible to get STUCK in a routine that no longer serves you.

By ignoring your surroundings, you (and your business) can get into trouble real quick…

So today, we’re reminding you to “zoom out” occasionally.

To continually move your business forward, you need to review your efforts, question their alignment, and then take bold action, like…

  • Creating content for your “YES” clients, not generic social scrollers

  • Applying modern strategy so you(r team) can make better decisions

  • Removing yourself from business operations to free up your time

  • Adding more income-generating tools to improve your ad spend

Full details ⬇️


Assemble A Self-Sufficient Team To Grow Your Business

Isn’t that the dream?

To build a self-managed team who work toward your vision (without depending on you).

Maybe you’re missing out — on personal time, creative space or business opportunities — because your team can’t manage themselves or grow the business in your absence…

If so, guess what? Your business isn’t SCALABLE (yet).

Because scalability is about more than just product-market-fit, a profitable offer, and a marketing strategy that fills your pipeline.

If you want to optimize your energy and reclaim 20+ hours a week,

The FREE Systems To Scale Playbook is for you.

Tips, tactics and systems from industry-leading Colin Pal will allow you to build your business without sacrificing your time.

How To Create Content That Your “YES” Clients Will Love

Content marketing is great for so many reasons.

But the never-ending grind to keep up with trends and constantly concoct unique, creative ideas can be exhausting.

This is what happens when you create content for everyone — stress, mental blocks and burnout.

If you want to drive revenue (and not yourself crazy)…

Create content for your “YES” clients — period.

Focus on the people your offer is for, who will benefit from it the most.

‘YES’ clients don’t just consume your content. They resonate with it deeply, recognize your expertise, and are EAGER to work with you.

But how do you capture their attention? And create this magnetic content?

Award-winning female business coach Joy Bufalini uses a winning content strategy that attracts her ‘YES’ clients — every single time.

In The Know
  •   Are You The Decision Maker? Make Better Strategy The Right Way — Old school strategy is DEAD. The good news is, you can do better. How? By applying the knowledge inside Dr. Marc Sniukas’ practical guide for business leaders. Get his proven step-by-step process to design and execute modern strategies that result in growth and innovation.

  • Looking To Level Up Your Entrepreneurial Game In A Group? — Small Bets is a vibrant community of 3,626 members where you can discuss ideas, get feedback, share wins, learn from others and teach. They host weekly classes with experts (for members only). And the best part is, you don’t have to pay every month.

  • Use Premium Ad Networks To Monetize Your Website Today— EzoicAds gives you EVERYTHING you need to monetize your website. This software offers instant access to the highest-paying ad networks, AI tools to optimize your earnings, and a heck of a lot more. Start your free trial today!


Your Proven Path To Getting Published

Before you start writing your book, you need the perfect proposal.

One that aligns with what publishers are buying TODAY, so you can tap into the right opportunities.

In this free training, 30-year publishing industry veteran Dr. Angela Lauria shows ONLY serious writers what you need to get published (and be paid well for it).

Learn how to make BIG MONEY from your book idea, before you start writing.

Dr. Angela will show you how to develop your idea into a modern Blockbuster proposal that will snag you a literary agent and a GIANT book advance

(EVEN IF you’ve never done anything like this before…)

Thanks For Reading

We might be done for today…

But your work is just beginning.

We invite you to schedule regular “Zoom Out” time in your calendar for business, routine and project reviews.

No one will force you to attend that meeting…

But we promise that if you show up and honestly assess your business, you will witness notable changes over time.

Because the average entrepreneur just goes through the motions, often repeating tasks without any rhyme or reason.

So this is your opportunity to do better, to ADAPT to the evolving ecosystem around you.

We hope reading today’s edition of the OBO has ignited something in you.


Until next time,

The Team at OnlineBusinessOwner.com

About The Author
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